please help this is one of my plants can anyone tell me if she is ready?
any advice at all will be appreciated!!
please help this is one of my plants can anyone tell me if she is ready?
any advice at all will be appreciated!!
I watch this video every time you post it lol
same. but still not sure. im a first time grower. maybe ill just watch over and over see if the answer comes to me lol
I see a lot of people on here say a certain % amber and i dont see any amber, but i could be missing it. Im first time grower as well and i cant always tell the difference between the clear and opaque trichomes. Sometimes they look clear to me, when theyre not lol
The heads and stalk of the trichomes are supposed to enlarge closer to max potency and some even fall over from what ive read so i think a lot if it is just going to be an expercience thing for us, and checking daily for any type of change.
couldnt have said it better. im just looking everyday now and because of that im seeing no change. i gotta step away from the microscope for a week lol!
When you decide to harvest please post a pic of the trichomes. Im on week 6 now, so im not too far behind you.
The main takeaway I got from it is there is about a 3 week period that your crop is between 92-100% of it’s max potency.
Definitely makes it a lot less stressful knowing we got 3 weeks to figure it out.
From what i gathered so far, once the pistils are 50% colored, the trichome heads look engorged or falling over, and theres at least some amber, were in the harvest window, and from there it becomes about preference.
You guys got it.itll be something you’ll have to tinker with and dial in Just how you like it. Write everything down once you start testing your bud too, like how the appearance of trichomes correlates with the effect/high. Just make sure they arent super clear looking or extremely shiny/glassy. I’ll post pics here in the next week of my upcoming harvest if I can remember for the life of me…
Good luck on the harvest