Harvest after bud rot

Thanks for chiming in!
We barely get caterpillars where i live. Saw something flying in the tent what looked like a mosquito but my guess is way to high humidity and bringing in spores from outside. But i will be on the lookout on harvest day :face_with_monocle:

1 cup is how much? In the cervantes vid he says its 8 oz. Correct?

How about RO/distilled vs tap? Does it have to be filtered?

Red are the 2 oscillating fans 1 below canopy 1 above
Blue are the intakes (opened cable and hose holes to battle heat)

Green arrow is the 4" exhaust fan. It pumps 125 m³/min (dont know cubic square feet)

That’s one cup. It’s not necessary to be too precise. You could put two cups in and it wouldn’t matter.


Alright good to know!
And what about distilled or not? Is tap bad or is Distilled/RO just more optimal?
Read a lot of different opinions on it

Solids in tap water will break down peroxide immediately so if you use tap you should use it as soon as the peroxide is added.


Would this be true for remineralized RO water too? Do you have an idea of breakdown time after mixing?

Also have you ever used the lemon/baking soda mix? Just wondering how the flavor compares. It seems like H2O2 would preserve flavor better and that the fruit/veggie wash mix would leave a lemon after taste which is ok if you want that but not ideal if you don’t.

Peroxide will bind to solids and give off an O molecule. The more solids, the faster it will dissipate.

I used tap water for my bud washes but used it immediately. I also did a rinse but have since learned it’s unnecessary. Never used Baking Soda or lemon juice as I prefer no chance of any residue. Thus peroxide.


I used bottled-distilled commercial gallon water with pint H2O2.
No rot found, just waterboarded the aphids, then de-carbed all the rinsed weed, then mined for Kief.

Outdoor weed washing is a must, for cleaning smoke.
Indoor, depends, and consideration would be my vote.

Learned about washing after my best bud got rot.
I lost half of 9 inches (like when i was circumcised).

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I’m washing because of fungus gnats I’ve been dealing with indoors. I was on the fence, but it seems super low risk and worth it either way from what I’ve read.

I grabbed some underwear drying hangers with 30 clips and a boot pan that I am going to use as a drip tray and kind of quick dry them after the wash. Then a quick “wet trim” and bucking to prepare for the mesh rack. I spaced it so I could run 2 tent fans and not blow air at the rack then just hoping the exhaust keeps enough moving but it should. I set 20 percent as minimum power which keeps pressure on the sidewalls and my lung room likes to sit around 60/60 with no dehumidifier. So hoping if I just keep it a little below 60 I will be golden. It’s my first grow and will be my first harvest hopefully in the next week or so. Getting pretty excited but know that trimming, drying, and curing all have their own obstacles to overcome.


Did not know this. I watched a few YouTube vids on the wash and searched on here and saw the lemon juice baking soda mix being used/mentioned. Must have missed that part but this is why i wanted to fallow along with the post :metal:

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My plan is to cut the branches, wet trim and inspect them for rot. After that i’m going to do the wash.

i got about 40 branches which i have to wash for 20-30 seconds if i understood correctly.
If i estimate 1-2 minutes per branch that would make 40-80 minutes.

Guess when i do the solution after inspection that tap water should be good enough

PPM for my tap is around 265. Can i calculate the time i have somehow with that? :joy: or i just do another solution after im halfway done to be safe

Ordered 1 liter h2o2 so shouldnt be a problem

My first grow as well. Honestly kind of freaked out how much i might have to throw out due to bud rot when i inspect them. Called it quits since humidity got out of control.

Last to weeks the weather was crazy. Max temps were 35C while humidity still was at 70% :melting_face:

Now it went to 15C 85% (raining a lot) within a week, next week will be warmer again so i wont be able to dry at that precious 15C (60F)

Since im from germany we dont have AC units here. Lowest temp i get is in the basement with 21-22 (71-72F)

All problems aside im still super excited to harvest, especially for the trim :heart_eyes:
Ladies might have lost a week or two ripening up but i still got some frosty buds :cold_face:


I use a 5 gallon bucket and simply put the whole plant in it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then hang to dry.


One last question: the peroxide arrived and i plan on doing a spray. Ive read multiple times that ppl do a 50/50 peroxide water solution. Does that mean for example for 1 L of solution i use 500ml peroxide and 500ml water for the spray?? Seems way too much considering the concentration for the wash is ~0.66% (1 cup per 5 gallon)
Or do i stay at 0.66% solution for the spray

Probably will do multiple branches at a time since i want to branch dry them

Living or harvested, hanging plant?

@Myfriendis410 has it right.
Whole plant or multiple stalks, in 5-gallon bucket.
While completing a bucket wash, i do agitate the material.
Or dip-dunk multiple times, as to free and float the garbage being removed.


Living, i harvest them next tuesday but i had to cut some more rot out and want to minimize the risk of further bud rot till harvest

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Spraying the plant is problematic: it will dry out the leaves leaving them papery and brown. It will also introduce MORE water to the plant which is bad if fighting bud rot. Best bet is mechanically remove rotten plant material then perform a bud wash at harvest.


PNW rain daily causing me depression, for sure.
Starting early this year (August, not Oct).
What will harvest look like? I wonder.
Best wishes to all growers.

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@Myfriendis410 , in your estimation about how long does the bucket of mix last before it needs redone.