Growing with a blackmoon rising

Looking good my grow friend


Those are some nice roots there. And that looks to be a nice heavy cola there :+1:


22nd December 2023
Bit more eye candy
This is Laughing budda auto
Think its starting to foxtail on me.

Its gunna experience its first real rain this summer this week coming along with all the other auto’s and fems and regs.
Been a dry summer thats for sure.
Now its holiday season and xmas its gunna rain for a week.
Oh well the place is pretty dry

Here is our pond which ive not seen the bottom of since it was made 8 years ago

And it wouldnt be a farm without some ducks

But 34 just taking it too far
Oh well
Cheers :beers:
Hope you enjoyed the update


Great updates you’ve got posted and congrats on the clones putting out roots! Hope the rain comes your way so the planties can rehydrate and refill the pond too. Wishing good :pray: vibes and memories for ya in remembering your mum on her birthday and through the holidays too. Cheers to ya! :beers:


Thanks so much for your wishes @ChebaMang
Its received with much gratitude
We definitely need some rain
Got mixed feelings of its timing.
Ie xmas and the last run to harvest day.
Im sure they be ok with some rain on them.
They very sticky
Left for work this morning and i could smell them in the damp air.
Yum :yum:
Its just ive had so many seasons of bud rot
Moisture in the harvest window plays on my mind and its been so dry and sunny up to now.
Is what it is.
Still got my train wreck under the light and under a roof keeping dry not far off either
Cheers :beers: :clap: :v:


I sure wish I could send you some of the rain I have been getting the last 5 months. Its got to be a record for us here. :crossed_fingers: that there is no bud rot.


The morning of xmas eve
24th December 2023
Its nearly here
The big yearly day
Thats taken the world by storm
Heres my up date
Had a steady rain yesterday and last night
24 mls in fact. One mil short of an inch.
Heres my auto patch after the rain

Close up of the one eyed snake bait

And a shot looking down on
Wenches plump twat
With its curled up leaves
Anyone know much about why they do this?

Hopefully they gunna be ok
More rain forecasted for today and the big day tomorrow morning

Then its forecast to fine up again for a few days
Cheers :beers:


Also in a dry environment my train wreck birthday clone
I never rectified the yellowing leaf tips
Raised the light and gave it a feed.
Oh well
It cant be too far off ready now
In some areas it may well be starting to foxtail or its just having a ladt minute stretch

Here is a close up of what could be foxtailing

And here is a close up of one bud that looks pretty ready

Do i wait for the new growth to mature and will it be a game of more and more new colas forming and the majority of the plant gest too mature?
Cheers :beers:


That’s fox tailing. Not sure what you mean in the end question. If you’re asking if it’s going to stop? Then, no.


Thanks @Budbrother for your confirmation i was pretty sure it was what was happening
In my last question im meaning do i wait for these new foxtails to mature or harvest the plant when the majority of the buds are at the maturity i want to harvest them at.
I guess if they just gunna keep forming that answers my question anyway.
Have to get a scope on the mature ones see what the trichomes are doing.
Cant be far off my desired maturity
Cheers :beers: :clap: :v:


Let them go, if ya wanna. Honestly, I don’t mind fox tails. Makes picking off the bud, easy.


And adds a bit of extra weight to the jar lol :laughing:


My eye was immediately drawn to this.

I see a burnt pistol - blue
What’s the red?

I’m suspiciously wondering where are the pistols? Should see some there.

Next my eye was drawn to what look like chewed off pistols.


Ill go have a look.
Thats a dam keen eye @Budbrother


Here is a close up of what you had circled in red in the top picture
And a shot of a lower down cola with the browning pistols more evident.
It is a very unusual top cola.
Are thinking its heming and is forming seeds ? @Budbrother
Cheers :beers:


That shot looks nothing like this. Musta been the light illuminating a pistol. If it was a bug, obviously gone.

At least I’m seeing pistols :smiley: and my curiosity has been filled.

Wasn’t really thinking anything specific. I was just looking at your canoeing leaves to see if I could spot anything obvious. Happily, I can’t help.

Heat and humidity cause it outdoors. Worms and bugs. I’ve seen leaves curl like that, inside, when they’re getting too much light and shying away from it. Boron deficiency also, but you don’t show signs of really anything.

They’re frosty as :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:!! :metal:t3::sunglasses::metal:t3:


What are your terps smellin’ like?


They are very piney


Mine was grape


I love Pine, and not a fan of fruity strains much. That terpene is great for pain. I actually look for pine phenos when hunting strains for potential crosses.