Growing nutrients 101

For a beginner trying to switch to not adding nutrients on a weekly basis, what route could I head that’s economical?

Whether your trying to do the no till soil or fox farms soil your still gonna have to be making compost teas or just mixing nutrients in general.


I like and use earth dust it doesn’t get much easier and $60 US will be enough for 10 5 gallon plants and the best part is if you have a good organic soil you can reuse it many times. With decent tap water there’s no ph testing to do or worry about doing. Check it out at thegreensunshineco.

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With the ilgm nutrients do I mix the flower and the boost together for week six and 8

if you’re talking about the small red packet, that’s basically what i did. i used it during pre flower and then again a week or two later.

Even me, I didn’t use chems often.

Hi i just got the fox farms trio liquid nutrients, my plants are about 8 weeks old from seed and I’ve never given them any kind of extra nutrients before, I have them in the ocean forest soil from FF. Would i still go with the recommended doses on the feeding schedule or do I have to ease them into it ? :woozy_face:

ease them into it. 1/4 dose to start