Grow support for newbies

Continuing the discussion from First Grow ever Need lots of Help:

Newbie here also just started my second girl first girl can’t complain did get very good smokable buds out of it I just think I stressed it out too much in the beginning doing too much over trimming so any criticism or any help would be absolutely extremely accepted and helpful thank you these are a few of my last grow.


Since invested in another grow light King LED 1000watts


Congratulations on finishing your first plants!!! If you ended up with some smoke that gets you happy and high id call that a success!! @OGIncognito i bet can get you pointed in the right direction. There is alot going on in those pics you shared and i dont wanna tell you anything that sets you back. Im still new myself so im gunna let the pros take it from here. Happy growing and good luck buddy!!!


That bud looks very frosty. Congrats on a harvest.


Need at lease 200W as measured in current drawn . Not advertisements.

More light will be a game changer for you

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First time with coco . Second grow. Any tips?

Using 1 600w bulb, auto pot systems 2 gallon pots feeding @ 1350ppm 5.6 ph