Good luck. Hope it works out!
Probably won’t, they’re resilient as all getout. A bamboo stake or a disposable chopstick that you can zip tie or twist-tie her to would be your best bet.
And yeah that light may be bright but I bet ya she’s not getting anywhere near enough of it from way down there. Never seen a light fixed so high up before. Curious setup
Was just looking at some bamboo stakes. They should be here tomorrow. Yeah that’s the only thing with the prebuilt grow boxes you cant adjust the light height other than that it works well for my circumstances. I’ll have to find a way to add an extra grow light in there for seedling stage or something else for the next grow. These are good little hurdles for me as a new grower to learn from.
Maybe one of these could help? Only use it till they get bigger…
Those could work! I gotta make sure it fit correctly in there. Might have to make a mod to the case or maybe I’ll just run it with the grow door open.
Day 14. The bamboo stake arrive in a day! Made a little support cradle for her it’s not perfect but it think it’ll do. It’s not that well tied so I can literally adjust the height of the support square as she grow. Will try to set up a trellis once she reaches the magnet hooks height.
Day 15. Support cradle holding up well. The two newest leaves seem droopy not sure if she’s trying to tell me something or if it just part of growth and will straighten out later in the day.
If thr soil is wet or super dry could b a reason she might be droopy
Day 16. Her leaves straightened out, assuming it was normal growth. She can stay up on her own but I’ll keep the cradle a bit longer. Supposed to get a grow light today to help give her a closer light source or is it two late to try to bring the light closer?
Nice she’s gonna be a beauty very soon
Day 17. She actually outgrew the cradle over night. She wasn’t even resting on any part of it this morning. Removed the cradle and let her free.
Looks great. A little wind will strengthen her. Not much. Just wiggling her a bit. She will thank you with thicker branching.
Got it! Fan should actually be here by tomorrow.
Day 18. Added a fan for strength training as recommended by @Storm. There was some algae growth at the top of the rapid rooter so I can her a trim and removed the shot glass of water I put there for humidity.
Also added back her cradle, wasn’t confident in her ability to stand on her own, will leave untill her stem thickens.
Also water change number two done today! Forgot to add the hydro guard before pouring it. Not sure if it’s a good idea to add it now her roots are in there… thoughts?
Yeah, that’ll be just fine.
Day 19. Maybe I’m being a worry plant parent but I feel as though she’s struggling to find her strength to stand on her own. This is day two since I’ve added a fan so we’ll see just how much she strengthens up. The constant breeze is supposed to make her release hormones that aid in stem thickening
In the photos you can see she’s still tilting (in the same direction she tipped over on day 13 but the cradle is there to prevent her from tipping. She’s barely supported by the cradle as to encourage her own growth/strengthening (hoping I’m correct about that)
Otherwise she looks like a happy plant.
Looking good she will stand back up once lights out n she start rooting out
I’ll be keeping an eye on her. She’s growing pretty fast and I’m planning to top her. She’s and autoflower and I know it’s recommend to not top those but I’m willing to take the risk. She’s a healthy girl so I don’t think she’ll have problems recovering.
Don’t top her, just fim her. Less stress and better results. Check it out: FIM'ing Cannabis