Grow 14 Gas lantern light and lots of autos 🥸

Morning all. Before I get into this. I asked to have my other journal of the 2 big plants removed. I gave those 2 away. I really need a break from growing right now. I keep saying I will take one and never do. Crazy, but it is almost 5 years of non stop growing. And to many plants most times :grimacing: So once this grow is finished. I am going to stop till next year. This grow is going to go way past what I planned. And the other 2 were just getting to big.

So, for this week. All looks the same I think. It still looks like I may be weeks away from chopping any thing. The AC/DC shows as a 9 -10 week plant. She is on week 7 of flower here and looks about ready. I am taking her day by day. With this as the last grow. I want to make sure every one is really done. I see some that will probably need chopped in stages. To let the lower stuff finish.

Any ways. here is the Big bang auto at week 5 of flower

The Jack Herer auto finished week 7 of flower



The Money bush week 8 of flower

Super Critical bud week 8 of flower

AC/DC week 7 of flower

Cantava week 5 of flower

RQS Diesel week 4 of veg

I guess that is it for now. I had chopped the Charlotte’s Yesterdream. It is just over 3oz. I went through a few drying issues. It was ready to get Bagged. I left it over night to make sure. Then we got rain and the humidity sucked it self into the plants. So I had to re dry a bit longer.