Greenhouse grow how am I doing

That’s why I want to name them… In the name of science lol. But you dont have to help if you dont want to lol. thought it would be fun for everyone plus I’m not that far along in my journey to start being that specific. @Covertgrower

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how about The 7 Dwarfs


Love it @Sasquatch


I’m pulling for rocky! Looking good @crikkett01


When I’m in your situation, not knowing, naming them becomes personal for me. I don’t know them well enough to offer a name suggestion


First, let me say, Welcome to the forum @Crikkett01
I’ll definitely be watching your grow with interest. If you ever have questions feel free to tag me. I’ll get back to you reasonably quickly or tag in someone who may be able to help you better.

We can add another member to the small but growing :shushing_face::wink: FloGrowers Rank :clap::tada: @S.FloridaSwampman @Rick3 @Kcdaniels @klwinfla
Anybody else @FloridaSon? I still feel Iike I’m forgetting, but then again, I’m consummately stoned. Soo yeah, that’s just par for me.


Welcome @Crikkett01
Nice Green house,
Get that Male out as soon as Possible
What strain are you Growing?
And Your in FL Too?

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Yeah, I believe there are a couple others, but can’t bring the names to mind.

It’s pretty cool for me. I believe I was the first one here from Florida, but others before me might just not have disclosed location due to our fake legal status. Of, course, I was here before then.

It’s nice having neighbors here to understand our specific growing climate. With John Morgan pushing again, it may go recreational and we could see more later.


@Rick3 @FloridaSon @Budbrother… yes northeast and thanks for the welcome. Grew up in Florida all over settled in a nice place in the woods and loving it. Glad to have neighbors in the same place I’m in.

Need some info. Are frogs ok. I have one one the same leaf… chased him away… back to the same leaf. And I need pest control. It’s that time and I’m not screened in yet help what to do


Frogs eat moths which lay larvae that will ruin buds. Make sure to remove any droppings and you should be good.

I’m down near Ocala, but out in the forest…


I’m not far from you maybe an hour. What you use for pest @FloridaSon

Have you purchased neem oil yet?

Neem in veg only. I discontinue it at the first signs of flower. Food grade diatemaceous earth. Cinnamon is supposed to be helpful along with ground red pepper.

@garrigan62 has a tobacco juice recipe that he has been effective with in battling pests.


I’m in Crystal River

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I have a friend there building the new nuke plant

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30 Minutes away

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Nice work! I like to name plants after people I respect. Nicknames, typically.

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Hello, I want to premise this with a compliment. Nice job on greenhouse, but mountainman1 made some excellent suggestions that will benefit you greatly as the weather changes. Your plants look healthy & beautiful, yet forgive my memory. Someone mentioned spacing of your plants, and it can become a conundrum in time. They can grow together fast, and reduce yeild competing for space to grow/bud. You are doing great, so do not feel I am knocking you.