Gold Leaf Train Wreck continues

I need some insight and advice. One of my 2 photo Gold Leaf plants has a big problem. It seems half of it changed to a light shade of green/yellow overnight. The top half is fine. Since these are my test plants I’m not too attached to them, but I don’t want all of my efforts to be for nothing.

They started to flower July 31. They’ve been in the ground since the first week of April. That’s a long story for another post. I bought a jeweler’s loupe to check trichomes but I have seizures and can’t hold my hands steady enough to see if they’re close to being harvested.

The next 2 pictures are from my changing color plant.

I trimmed that plant and left the good buds on it. I haven’t fed it for almost a week.

About the stuff I trimmed from it:
Should I wash the trimmings, and what can be done with them? Can they be smoked?

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Hey buddy. Start with this and folks will be able to jump in to help you better. Also, can you get some clearer shots of the problem leaves?

Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
System type?

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS

Indoor or Outdoor
Light system, size?

Temps; Day, Night

Humidity; Day, Night

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,

Co2; Yes, No

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco? **Miracle Gro Performance **
System type? Huh?

PH of runoff or solution in reservoir? 7

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS ??

Indoor or Outdoor indoor
Light system, size? Nothing fancy, LED lights in reflectors hanging on a shower curtain rod

Temps; Day, Night. 78 both

Humidity; Day, Night in whole house a/c, don’t know

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size. No

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, Just what’s in the house

Co2; Yes, No. no

Not enough light and overwatering is the first thing that stands out to me… :wink: