Gold Leaf, cloned branches and rooted top, 1 became 6

Had raise light in big tent.
The little tiny clone had to streach the most and of course she’s in the center hot spot :man_facepalming:
Her 2 tallst colas slightly fading on top and she didn’t look to happy.
It needed done anyway for better spread since tents so full.
I’ve never ran the light at 100% and boy I’m likely this :grin:.
Theres alot of nugs in there and stacking up tight.


Looking good bro… very good. :v:

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About 7oz dry weight from the first one that was in soil.
Others just doing their thing and looking good at it :grin:


Congratulations brother! Hope you enjoy and have many more! :+1:t2::v::sunglasses:

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Nice :beers: congratulations :partying_face:


I knew that was going to be a good yield Congratz… I hope my outside GLs make it thru our hot azz weather… They are sure vegetating well after all the wind in April… :v: :sunglasses:


So I been so busy I’ve haven’t touched the 6 clones i put in hydro since I first put them in the water on April 19th :disappointed:.
Here they are on April 19th.

And here are today before i separated the bigest two.

And they all are now in the flower closet on 12/12.
I may finish the gold leaf in there and switch them back to veg or just let them go idk yet :neutral_face:
The mother and 3 clones in soil have some room now so this has to work for now.


And few pictures of big tent. Had to put up some yo-yos for the purp clone its branches are getting so top heavy :star_struck:. I will have to add more before to long…


Purple clone

Hope i get some purple but not looking good under this light without IR or UV.
The mother grew with IR and UV was dang near black by this time :confused:.
This ones smells just like her mother and is alot biger but very little hints of purple so far :pensive:


I have the same pheno of gold leaf above and one a few pics above. They look super familiar. Great job on the harvest :+1:

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@1HappyPappy what kinda of topping/cutting have you been doing to make them branch like that? I’m new so I’m trying to learn the details…

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So 5 plants in big tent.
4 goldleaf and one clone from a purple bagseed (seed i found out of a bag I got off the street)

The goldleafs are all clones from the same plant.
I cut 4 branches off and rooted the branches from the goldleaf and I didn’t top any of them or any kinda training really. Other then i used a pool noodle and cut a few pieces to stick between branches to hold them apart.

Clones will most of the time grow differently then a plant from seed… in my case they continued to think they was branches and well, they branched out like crazy :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :flushed: :rofl:

And as for the purple clone in the center, I did super crop its two tallest limbs but thats about it really…

Other then I did completely remove alot of limbs that didn’t reach up close to even with all the rest.
Topping is WAY over rated imho.
I do top sometimes but most often I do not, I just bend and tie down spreading the plant out the best I can.
These clones just sorta grew this way on their own, but had they not, I would have tried to sread them out to look about like they do…


So I lied my freind I’m so sorry, I just remembered i did top these :man_facepalming:
I will get more pictures when i get home of the undersides of them.

Idk wtf I was thinking, but I did top all of them, I don’t remember at what node but I will see when i get home :sweat_smile:


You just had a moment that’s all… Looking good though… :v: :sunglasses:

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haha, no worries. I was thinking damn those things branched out nicely on their own! I’m looking forward to seeing those pictures on where and what stage you topped them at. Is there anyway you could explain Topping vs Fimming techniques to me please? The guide here I was reading has the wrong pictures in it so I’m a little confused… How To Fim Cannabis (Guide With Pictures)

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there you go :v: :sunglasses:


Gotcha, thank you!

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One more



Thats 2 of the goldleaf that i can reach to point at where it was topped and a bic lighter for size reference.
The other 2 goldleaf are basically the same.

And here is the purple clone,

And all of them

Hopefully can see the pool noodle i used and the yo-yos holding up some branches in the one picture.


My new favorite :v:


What is your new favorite? Don’t leave us hanging :v: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:

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