Girl Scout Cookies Extreme Autoflower discussion

Cannabis is cannabis from a grow perspective. There are a few differences like coloration or mold resistance between the strains, but the primary differences are limited to cannabinoid content and terpine profiles.

The 10 Main Banana Kush Terpenes

  • Limonene: Commonly found in sweet fruit peel oils, offering a citrus aroma. Promotes elevated spirit, work relief, and happiness…
  • Beta-Caryophyllene: Offers discomfort help and great addition to any lotion. Typically extracted from black pepper, clove, and Rosemary. Exhibits a spicy or peppery fragrance.
  • Myrcene: Occurs frequently in fragrant plants, such as mangoes, hops, and bay laurel leaves. Helps reduce discomfort. It also acts as a mild soothing agent and help for seasonal problems.
  • Alpha-Pinene: Offers help with discomfort and energy. It’s found in pine needles and exhibits a pine-wood aroma.
  • Beta-Pinene: Found in lime peel oil, ginger, rosemary, and sage. The flavor profile exhibits pine and wood accents.
  • Fenchol: It’s found in fennel and exhibits a bitter lime-like flavoring.
  • Terpineol: carries a pine and sometimes lilac aroma. It helps with discomfort.
  • Ocimene: Found in a wide variety of fruits and plants. It’s got a sweet woodsy aroma and found mainly in parsley, pepper, and basil. Common benefits include antiviral, antifungal, and decongestant.
  • Humulene: Naturally occurs in basil, hops, and cloves and carries a subtle woodsy, earthy aroma paired with spicy herbal accents. .
  • Alpha Bisabolol: Produced by the chamomile flower and other similar plants. Acts to help discomfort.

This is enough for me, FF requires far less effort to “watch”. And FF not responsible for frankenfood or roundup…
Buying scotts products is like tipping the DR that got you hooked on methadone.


Do you have a list like this for GSCE?


@Docnraq well put. I just was winging it and had a modicum of success multiple x’s and when I stumbled across this amazing board full of growers it didn’t make sense to me that MG had such a negative vibe across the Community. It’s just in every store so convenience helps novice growers start. I figured most folks followed the herd as they pondered their lack of success and as they switched into new soils also were applying a nely gained knowledge base to apply to their subsequent grows. What do I know lol. :wink:

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GCSE has Caryophyllene, Myrcene, L-alpha-Pinene, D-Limonene, L-beta-Pinene, Beta-Ocimene, Cineol, Linalool.

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I recommend FF soils for any and everything lol. Its a solid amended semi living soil. A tad hot for azeleas :rofl::rofl:. But aside from some pH issues here and there, solid soil


@PurpNGold74 I picked up some at a local nursery so I can see what all the hypes about on my next go lol!!

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Just for the heck of it -

Genotype - what the genes “look like”. The DNA fingerprint.

Phenotype - the form the body/plant takes because of the instructions handed down by the genes.

Taught middle school science for 16 years so I just can’t help myself. :blush:


@Fiz I recently got ‘schooled’ on how I used the term pheno lol. I’m trying to grasp it with this thick cranium of mine lol. Teaching is a thankless job at times, thank you for your efforts.


Thanks! Im definitely not the science bro here. But knowledge is indeed power.

So my pothead brain isnt connecting the dots. Elaborate a bit further is you may

Doubly so

Honestly, it’s OK, people get what you mean. I was just being a bit pedantic.

You should see me when someone says “it’s just a theory” when they really mean “it’s just a hypothesis”.

My husband thinks it’s funny, I cringe every time!


@Fiz :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Genes are inside all the cells of your body and are all the same (except the sex cells). They are the blueprint that says that you should be 6 ft tall, dark hair and blue eyes.

Phenotype is what gets built from those blueprints. It can be affected by external factors. Say that you had a period of starvation as a child. You may only grow to 5ft 6, because you didn’t have what you needed at an essential point.

Like how we stunt a plant.

Hope that helps!


@Fiz well heck I just learned an interesting nugget. Thank you for that. I really like how you paired it with stunting a plant and hindering its full potential. You are a teacher. :woman_teacher::books::mortar_board:


Yup that hit the nail one the hammer for me. Thanks again!

So I think I had it correct in my ignorant days. Phenotypes are what we see… the combination of their genetics and our… lack of godly leadership :rofl:


What I don’t understand is why 6 seeds of same genotype can produce 6 plants with different phenotypes when literally everything environmentally is exactly the same. It’s not like one kid got all the meat, one kid got all the potatoes, and one kid got all the desserts lol

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Same reason everyones kids arent identical.


I’m 5 ft 9 with brown eyes. My sister is 5 ft 4 with hazel eyes. It’s the same thing. Anything that reproduces sexually - plants included - gets 1/2 of their genes from mother and 1/2 from father. The particular combinations that occur when you get them together causes that. That’s why people often like to grow clones - they are genetically identical to the mother plant.

That being said, different growing conditions could lead to different looking results in the “children”. So if you and I had clones from the same mother, yours would be a huge bush and mine would be a foot tall. :wink:


@Fieldofdreams @PurpNGold74 Thanks so much! I always used a lot of analogies when I was teaching complex stuff, I find it gives a handle to grasp the new idea by.

I freaking love science, and I have a weird brain organized around trivia, literally.


But one kid got All The Desserts. That kid would be fatter

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