Ok so my Big Bomb by Bomb Seeds is 88 days in and week 5 in flower all i been giving it is FF Open sesame,Cha-Ching,and Beastie Bloomz. But it seems like its growing rather slowly but my main reason for posting is ibe never seen a plant bud like this. Its like its growing more nodes on each node thats on each branch if that makes sense. I was under the impression buds grew at the node interval but never have seen a new subbranch form instead of a bud then start growing like its its own plant lol. Im posting pics for clarity. If anyone can shed some light on this thay would be great. Thanks in advance
Are you monitoring runoff pH and PPM? These products are absolutely loaded with mineral salts that submarine you root zone pH. An out of range pH starves the plant of nutrients.
Suggest ditching the FF products and going with a better product like Jacks 321. Jacks is a less salty product that doesn’t require periodic flushing.
Your plants will do far better with more direct sun each day.
Your buds are fine.
Welcome to the forum.
Ya runoff ph is usually about 5.2 to 5.5 and i feed at about 2000ppm and runoff ppm is about 600 so its normal for the buds to grow like that? And i feel like its small for week 5 of flowering i feel like its small for 88 days overall lol its in a 20 gallon tote if that matters i feel like maybe the roots get disturbed to much cuz i do move it into the sun when its not in direct and i notice the soil crack open at the top is that ok?
One more thing is this light efficient for a single flowering plant? Im not sure the brand or even the wattage output but its bright lol
I don’t think it would help ,might tear roots.
Maybe you could make up a trolley to move it around.
Not really but it is better than nothing if that is all you have at the moment.
Need to invest in a better light when you are able to.
Welcome! So you are indoor/outdoor? The "sub branching is a good thing I would say!
I was indoor untill i moved to MS now im all outdoor thanks for the happy welcomes u guys
I do not see anything on any of your pictures I have not seen before. Every main will have offshoots at each node. This is one of the reasons we that lollipop use this method. It cleans up the “suckers” so to speak. I usually lollipop all of the brnches and cut off any 3rd offshoot from a main so the mains and 2nds get phat.
Wow ur girl looks nice and plump good job! And are u saying i should cut off all the lower small buds? Cuz for some reason the lowers and sides are the ones that are growing the best. I did top my plant twice buy still only ended up with 2 colas. I assumed the colas would grow faster than any other part of the plant but it seems thats not the case in this particular plant. Any ideas why the top is growing so slow in comparison to the sides and lower branches? Also should i remove the sub-branches that are growing from the original branch? Or should i just let it ride? Im curious if anybody can give me an idea on how much longer this plant has its already on week 5 of flowering and 90 days overall growth from seed till now. Could just be me but it seems like its taking a long time compared to other cannabis plants ive grown