I believe it’s really close
You have a few weeks to go yet based on the white pistils, unless:
Have those white pistils developed late? For how many weeks has the plant been flowering?
First week of August it started flowering
I’m going to check it with my microscope camera when I get back
You should be within a couple of weeks then. The pistils appear new. Be sure to look at trichomes on established calyxes rather than the new ones.
I’m going to get a couple pics of the trichomes when I get back. I’ll post them and see what y’all think. If y’all don’t mind
Definitely a little while to go.
Yea I believe y’all are right. A couple weeks to go. What’s the old saying “ patients is a virtue”. Killing me
Same boat. Trusting the advise I’ve gotten here though. 80% red pistils and more amber trichs on the established calyx. "Thats what were waiting for…"Modest Mouse/Little Motel. Looks great though👍🏽.