So far I am 0 for 3 on germinating white widow autos. Dropped in water for 24 hours, all three popped with a little taproot showing. No growth from the taproot from that point. Dropped in my cocoa perlite mix and waited for a few days, nothing to show. Should I just switch to paper towel method?
Just me maybe. But I let my seeds soak in a cup of water for 3 days sometimes. Depending on how long I want the taproot. Try leaving it fo 48 hrs or more. It will get longer. When you put it in the soil make sure it’s moist. Others will chime in to offer more assistance.
Is there a risk of them “drowning” when you leave them in for days at a time? All three sunk to the bottom and the seeds seemed to turn black after they popped. Appreciate the response
I never had one drown. I don’t use heat mats or anything. I grab a glass put some water in from the tap. I know my ppm is around 175. I stick the cup in the cabinet check it two days later and the seed is floating tail out. One time I forgot about one and it sprouted out it’s seed husk. Still grew, good genetics I guess. But if your seeds sunk and turned black maybe you need to contact support.
How wet is the coco Growmie
Just put a couple ml of water in the center where I dropped the seed. Then took half a vented water bottle and covered to keep humidity levels up. Cocoa isn’t soaked but looks wet.
Coco gets dry very quickly. Wetting just the hole is not enough after the seed sprouts. I dampen the complete vessel of coco and after it breaks ground I mist daily and keep the RH around 65-75% and temps around 78-82 degrees. I’ll also water a shot glass of water every 3-4 days approximately 2-4 inches from the stem to promote root growth
I’ve had three gorilla glue Auto seeds do that to me in the last month and a half. Germinated them the same way I do all my seeds. Soak in water for a few days till the taproot pops and then put them into the soil. I don’t use paper towel method anymore because I’ve had them get mold spots. I tried a cotton ball this time to no avail. I’ve got a Girl Scout cookie that I germinated at the same time I tried the first gorilla glue, and it took off no problem. But all three of the gorilla glue ones turned black, and basically got waterlogged without even popping a taproot.
Awesome, thank you for the words of wisdom. A complete rookie here from Ohio, excited that recreational is finally legal! Will saturate the cocoa better as soon as this next seed pops
Those are how the 3 of mine have come out of the water. I saw that they popped but continued to wait for the taproot to emerge a little bit.
Hey 440slum O-HIGH-O here too in the 330 area my guess is just south of you…
When I do soak seeds I use a shot glass and add hydrogen peroxide about a 50/50 mix and set those on top of my router and cover with a black to go box. Usually after 24-36 hots they crack and I then put them either in the final home or more often in small cow pots with a starter soil like fox farm light warrior.
I’ve had them not come up from time to time after the pop but normally works fine.
I also direct plant seed into soil without soaking and that works too.
Just need to make sure your temp of water or soil is in range in the mid seventies and soil isn’t too wet.
You should start a new thread to chronicle your grow so all things are in one place as it’s easier for others to help as you go and grow.
Enjoy the day
Yeah I always have issues with GG. It has to be the genetics. I got mine from ILGM. They pop and germinate but it takes forever. Have one going now, I was gonna toss it, Chitty said let it go. It’s doing ok. But still slow growth. Not expecting much from it. This last was airey and flavorless.
Hey man, really appreciate the pointers. Long time smoker taking my first crack at growing. Ultimate goal is to only smoke what I grow myself. Once I get a seedling to peak her head out I will definitely start a thread. Currently I have seed #4 in a plastic bag with paper towels on my tv box downstairs. Just checked on her when I got home and she is starting to crack ever so slightly. With everyone’s help in this thread I feel more confident that I’ll be able to have a seedling by next week .
Just my 2 cents here,
I have had issues sprouting some seeds in straight coco.
What I do now is make a hole the size of my thumb in the coco and place some seed starting mix like Light Warrior and then place the soaked seed. Top it with 1/4 inch of more starting mix and then about a teaspoon of water to settle it.
I have no clue why coco gives me problems but this seems to work. Works better than a Jiffy Pellet. Those will work too but you should place them in the solo cup with coco so they don’t stay too damp. The coco surrounding the pellet will wick away excess water.
Willing to give anything and everything a shot to get one of these seeds to germinate . Light warrior is expensive but I’m sure it’s a good product.
Yes, Its not worth the price.
Some peat and perlite mixed 60/40 is about the same thing.