GDP + KIND Soil (Indoor tent, first grow)

I would consider potting up (maybe to final pot) and insure correct light levels. So far I have been a soil grower in FFOF with 20% added worm castings and perlite.

The plant looks fine to me, some plants just are not a large as others even from the same strain and parent plant.

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Awesome! That’s good to hear - what would you do for water? Just go by feel? (If the soil is dry and leaves feel dry should I do more than misting the top soil?) - The misting doesn’t seem to be able to keep up with the light.

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I would give the plant a thorough watering after the transplant and then water when needed in a ring outside the leaf line. This plant is past the “misting the soil” stage in my opinion. Watering in a ring outside the leaf line will encourage root development as the plant “reaches” for the moisture.

I use a combination of pot weight, finger test and a soil moisture meter to determine when younger plants need water. When the plants are smaller than the pot is wide I water in a ring outside the leaf line. When I get to late veg, I water (to runoff) every couple of days. A few weeks after flipping I water to runoff daily. I forgot to mention that I grow in 10 gallon fabric grow bags.

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Thank you - can you elaborate on a thorough watering? Like water to run off on transplant or just get the soil wet?

Researching more instruments :).

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In the 10 gallon pots I will give them 1 - 1 1/2 gallons of water about a quart at a time after transplant. In 3 gallon intermediate pots I will give them something less than a gallon but again in increments. I usually get a small amount of runoff when watering post transplant.

I am a bit vague here because I don’t actually measure the water, I just water in increments until it seems about right. Not very scientific or precise but it works for me. It did take a bit of practice.

My soil moisture meter is just one of those cheap two prong devices from the nursery. The moisture meter function is the only thing that I use it for. pH and TDS is measured with my proper pH and TDS pens.

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You’re the wizard! Thank you, again :slight_smile:

I’ve started two more, a purple haze and a purple kush in solo cups. I’m probably going to send back the 2x2 tent (it’s like falling apart at the seems now, it’s a bummer) and a get a bigger one. IIRC you built your lights, would you happen to know if an HLG 135W setup can drive two QBs in series? I think it could from what I read but I’m not an expert.

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I don’t have an answer but @dbrn32 will have that on the tip of his tongue. I would need to look it up.LOL I am certain the dbrn32 will post an answer when he sees the notification. @Covertgrower may also have this information readily available.

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Nope, I don’t know. I defer to @dbrn32

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If you mean having the driver hlg-120h-54a drive two 288 boards in series? The answer is no. You could wire two 288 boards in parallel though, as long as they are the same board. Would just half the available current between the two boards.


it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick… but it does seem to be getting better.

Well if that isn’t mixed signals… Is it not working or does it seem to be working lol.

The way DE works is it kills the larva of the gnats… so they never grow up and reproduce. Of course it does nothing for the adults, they will die after a week at most I think. And with no new babies… problem solved. Put DE in your houseplants also or they will just reproduce there.


Thank you, I’ll email HLG and maybe get a new one and then send back this one.

@Roudy420 lol, good call - they don’t seem as intense but there seems to just be one or two around now, there are less than there were but there still is some I guess is what I was saying.

Good call, I love my money tree but for some reason it’s a gnat magnet (it only takes 3 ice cubes a week!)

KIND soil shipped!

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Changing things up a bit, I’ve got a 24x48x60 tent incoming and I’m hopefully exchanging to the two RSpec quantum boards kit, some more fans, soil moisture meter.

New seeds for Purple Haze and Purple Kush are in domed clear solo cups with outter red cups, I may throw another GDP in there as well.

I have somewhat of a plan but we’ll see :wink:

Transplant day!

The gnats seem to hopefully be all gone (knock on wood) :).

I think I was driving way too much light intensity, I backed it down to around 25 DLI (23 after transplant, figuring she’ll grow up into it) from 39. :warning: Her leaves looked better at that setting after a couple of days:

(I think the tight structure indicates too much light intensity as well but please let me know what you think)

Environment seems pretty stable around 75 - 77F, 50-55% RH pre transplant. I know this will keep changing as she grows. She seems to prefer a little less than what’s indicated on the VDP but that could be me misjudging other factors.

This is what her roots looked like during the move:

Do you think her roots look ok?

Happy Tent!

Next up:

A 24x48x60 tent should be inbound any day now, when that comes I’m going to pull the trigger on the HLG exchange (awesome company getting that setup already!). Do you think I could add another plant for a total of 4?

I want to setup a trellis and train these as much as I can. It’s exciting to see her grow :). I’ve taken a more hands off approach to logging and collecting metrics, I want to develop a feel for it. I’ve been spending time with her and inspecting her leaves and just kind of checking her out. I feel like she’s been a very forgiving first plant so far and I’m really thankful for that.

Is there anything I should look out for after transplant? I gave around maybe 5 - 8oz of water into the container. I stopped when I saw tiny beads at the sides towards the bottom. I’m going to feel it out and then keep watering per KIND instructions - I was glad that the transplant went into the Roots organic portion of the container because that’s what she’s in now, so hopefully she’s no worse for my lack of patience.

I’ve been super hands off with Cap6 and Athena, I ‘burp’ them once or twice a day - hopefully they’ll sprout soon :). I figure I’ll probably hold Esther back in veg as they catch up but since she’s already short and stocky maybe that’ll work out ok.

If I’m totally off the mark please let me know.


Roots look great! Did you add any mycorrhizae to the transplant hole and root ball? If not she may droop for a bit due to transplant shock. I would recommend doing so for future transplants as the stuff really make the plants take off after transplant.

You want to do 4 plants in a 2x4? You can but why do four and equal the same yield that you could get from 2 plants in the same space? A lot of wasted soil and nutrients and time watering.

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Awesome to hear about her roots! I didn’t add that powder but I’ll get it when I order nutes for the other plants.

Great call on the yeild, I honestly just have an itch to grow plants lol. I wish I had more space and light. I’ll get there. I’m great with these 3 then because I’ll get max variety then at least for the trouble of soil and nutes. I kind of want to try cloning too… Maybe I can find more space somewhere.

You’re running into the same dilemma we all do, lol. “Where can I fit more plants”. I have 13 strains at the moment and I am down to one left that I haven’t grown (blueberry fem) growing 2 in flower and 2 in veg at one time. And I still have at least 9 seeds left of each of those strains. Some I have 19 seeds left. No clue how I’ll ever grow them all because I still want more strains.

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Variety is the strains of cannabis :slight_smile: I can’t wait to get to that many. I’m sure I wouldn’t have to pay for medicine for quite a while!

Esther looks OK(?) so far this AM.

Caprica 6 is upon us :).

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Esther (GDP) seems to like being in the bigger container. I haven’t watered since the transplant. I did move the girls to a new 4x2x60" enclosure. I have a much easier time with even just this little bit more of space.

I had to temporarily take the HLG down and put in the backup light while it’s being exchanged for the 2 panel variety (XL! - hopefully). I wonder how long I can hold out adding another Quantum board… I don’t think they’ll be too worse for the wear in the meantime (the lux is about the same and so far it all seems good).

Athena and Cap6 both have nice growth in their first set of leaves, I haven’t checked the roots but keeping them domed seems so much easier. I didn’t put the seeds into water this time, I just put them in the soil and sprayed it a few times. I’ve added some moisture to the dome itself a couple times for each.

I have to make a decision about what grow medium to use. I have maybe 5lbs of Roots original left and 2lbs of kind soil. I could probably wait out another kind soil delivery, one more 5lb bag would mean I’d have 1lb left over, I would also need another bag of Roots to fill the containers.

That being said I think I want the experience of feeding the two newer plants something more manual. It’ll be cool to compare them all as I go. I just don’t know which manual way to go. I like the idea of sticking to Roots because I already have the soil but I don’t want to buy all of their nutrients, it seems like to have a complete nutrient kit you have to spend quite a bit of money. I’d rather mix together something from “scratch” and then just use it with their soil.

I think I’ll be manifolding these plants.

It’s funny how this progresses… Esther is in her second home with what soon will be her third light, she sprouted on 9/20 lol.