The past few weeks have been crazy so I ended up not doing anything other than waiting an extra day or two between watering and putting up a lot of sticky traps. Seemed to help a bit.
I have a question on the cure now. I’ve heard that I burp the jar everyday and decrease the frequency of burping as time goes on. I’ve also heard you burp it based on the humidity, so like only if rh is above 62% or whatever is when you would burp it. So im wondering if I put some nugs in a jar, if they were sitting at 62% rh since day 1, would I still need to burp it to let oxygen in?
Here is one of the buds. This is my first grow so Im both excited and shocked by the results haha
Hey there grow bro! I’m looking to get my fungus gnats out of my grow! Had some soil infested and I still see white larvae crawling around. Was gonna soak the mosquitoe bits and then do a soil drench. Does this have any effects on the ph, salt, or nutes in the soil? Please advise. I’m looking to order soon.
I’m not sure if you’re looking to mix with your nutrient solution. I mostly just top dress with them. When I have prepared for soil drench I didn’t add anything else or check ph, sorry.
That’s ok! I appreciate your input on the subject! This is my second grow and it’s more fungus gnats than the last. This is my first time seeing the larvae ! Looks like little skinny maggots!
I’m gonna get a mesh bag , fill it with Mosquito Bits, and let it soak for a day. Stirring it often because I don’t have an air stone kit yet.
I’ll use that water for soil drenching. I have eight plants this grow! Thanks so much!