Flowering stage in extreme heat - Should I repot?

:rofl: :rofl:

Thats what Ive done for the past 6 years… Ive been growing fruits and Veggies since I was a little kid…
I do miss my Tomatoes but I read somewhere possibly on the forums here…That sometimes if you have pest problems like I do with Caterpillars…growing tomatoes can lead to more pests…Like Caters and Spider mites etc…
As far as Autos outdoors yeah I usually do mainly Autos and one or two photos …and yeah the autos do best with more light and warmth although from the other Auto outdoor growers Ive heard from this last year seems to have been a “stunted” year for Autos? Who knows… A few years back I grew some pretty big Autos but the last two seasons it was hit and miss some strains were great and some not so…
I have a mini journal type thing on this years winter outdoor experimental grow…Experimental Outdoor winter grow… not as if I’m tryin to grow them big its just for fun…I’m waiting for the real deal in April or May… Tour plants look good though…Especially for outdoors this time of year!!