FloridaSon's indoor mothers

Taking a break, so may as well get these going…

The soil conditions are the same as my Blueberry Autos except for these were watered in with the rain water. Again, adding a little Superthrive took me to my acceptable pH…

I’m really looking forward to getting to the point of cloning so I can get them outside!!!


Bookmarked :wink::+1::v:


Looking good…! I’ve got something called Chock o matic going, when I get some time I’ll see if it’s related to that chocolope plant in any way ?

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a smorgasbord! motley crue!!


The high yield mix pack from ILGM with the Sour Diesel thrown in because I love it’s flavor!! :yum:


My chock o matic is Black Domina × critical mass, yours is completely different strain

Oh well, I wasn’t sure I thought the chocolate part might have a common parent

It would be so cool if it really tasted like chocolate

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Nice choice of seeds ! Want to see how they come out.

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The possible chocolate taste is actually a turn off for me, but it claims to be good for migraines. That would help my wife and she would be able to enjoy that flavor profile.


Your ph pen doesn’t calibrate temp so subtract .3 at least from what your pen says if water is 66° to 72°. It will be off.

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So I should really be aiming for a reading of 7??? I didn’t realize the temp would affect the pH reading like that.

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Nope 6.6 or 6.5 on that pen. Lower is always better. I would do 6.3 or 6.4

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I know it’s just another crappy thing to look forward to… temperature will always affect everything dammit… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

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Here’s a simple chart for how much the temperature affect the PH reading @FloridaSon

Hoping that’s helping you my friend :wink: :innocent: :v:


Thank you. I’ll use a converter for my temps. You should put it on the charts page here…

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You’re welcome and I will put it on the chart and graph topic, thanks for the suggestion :+1::v:

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I knew it was too soon!! Damned excited impatience!!! I KNOW BETTER!!!

So in honor of a fallen recruit, I leave the light on to remember her by. Oh why do the good die young?!?

Why? Because sometimes we’re so proud of them that we push them too far before they are ready!!!

Damping off. It’s only the second time I’ve had to deal with it. I figured only being a few days behind the others wouldn’t make that much of a difference. I was wrong it seems.

I’m assuming that the layer of worm casts held more moisture than I expected. It leads me to wonder though.

Big Bud is the one that carries more of the indica traits, if I’m not mistaken. Do they tend to require less moisture in the soil and air compared to sativa dominant strains?

I’ll wait for responses before starting her replacement…

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I found its off usually no more than .3

I have one that self calibrate for temp and one that doesn’t, so yeah I found it off anywhere from .1 to .3 which isn’t huge

if you shoot for 6.4ish your kind of shotgunnin’ right in the zone

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I have 5 Big Bud seeds and in my research about them they are little tricky to grow because they are sensitive to moisture, mold and pest.

I’m sorry for lost I will morn my light in sign of respect

To the fallen Big Bud of @FloridaSon

~Al :innocent: :v:


Sensitive to moisture was my first thought. I wonder if it has something to do with the indica?

Have you grown any yet or just preparing to?

Thanks for that response…

I am preparing to. … And I am gone a try one or two seed(s) and grow it indoor just because what my research gave me and it’s mainly the mold and pest problem with Big Bud over size buds and moisture with seedling/sprouting…

Hoping that’s helping you brother :grinning::wink::v::innocent: