Fiz's Second Grow - LSD Auto triplets

ur doing coco on any? this is my first round playin with the coco and jacks, point being i can’t believe the growth rate

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Tag me in your grow. I’m down with some LST. :green_heart::raising_hand_woman:t2:

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They have been like that all morning. :frowning: They are getting ready for 1st naptime now, but I checked them an hour ago and same thing.

I’m fumbling a bit with watering, I believe. Shirley feels very light today and she got a bit under a half gallon yesterday - say a quart and a half?

It’s the coco - I’m not used to it yet. Claudette is in P4P so she’s a horse of a different color. Though her color is bright green all over, she just looks a bit sulky.
Gonna upload pics from camera next comment, easier.

I don’t think I answered the question - lights on for about 4 hours when I took the pics.

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This is Claudette’s actual color.

So Shirl is suddenly looking kinda down in the mouth, plus well, the yellow edges/tips. Oddly enough, those have not browned out or gotten crispy.

Temp at floor level is 75, temp at leaf level is 79. Not hot. DLI b/t 50 - 60, depending on where I’m taking the measurement, RH 55 - 60.

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Claudette and Audrey are in P4Ps, and the rest are all in coco. Shirley is growing like a crazy women, she just looks sad today.

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This was yesterday.

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Water every other day, if it’s feeling strange.

I allow my coco to start to turn real pale brown on the top inch or so before I really stress watering.

Claudette looks like she’s getting hungry.

The others, I think the problem you may be having is overwater - but not because you’re giving them too much water. It’s likely because you’re giving them water too frequently. The Roots may be starting to rot because they’re consistently “a little too wet”

IMO try going a solid 48 hours between watering, and then when you water, give them a good complete watering - I.e. fully saturate and allow for 20% runoff after full saturation. Then wait another 48 hours.

They’ll look real sad before they totally die if they’re starting to be under-watered. But that isn’t the case here.


Ok, I did give Claudette some blossom nutes when she got her water yesterday, along with FS, MagiCal, Sugar Daddy and a taste of Silica Boost.

I will wait till tomorrow evening before anybody gets anything in the big tent - the bebbies are another story. They are all in coco. They are likely fine for the time being.

I’m watching Jiggly closely since she gets the air to her roots. (About 4 hours a day, not 24/7) She seems to dry out faster as a result.

I’m likely going to start her LST tomorrow when she’s 14 days old. Her 4th node is growing today.


And while I’m having one of my up in my head, worrying about weird stuff, I can’t decide if Claudette’s flowers look normal what with the nearly black looking bases?

I’ve looked at tons of pics of LSD plants, ain’t seen this before. The pistils look perfectly healthy so I’m only 50% worried this time. :wink:


Fun colors like that are usually phenotype. I think @Flipdawg08 (or maybe @Bluntsmoke ? Sorry gentlemen, the journals are all a blur today) is growing one right now with normal coloration except deep red/almost black colors on her leaves just like yours.


Ok! So I went to see my granddaughter. Came home and here we are.

I swear they got in cahoots to give me a fit. Teenagers!

Yet another color bud shot.

My favorite new leaf weirdness, thanks to Jigglypuff.


Nice perkiness, phew! :+1:

JP’s leaf!

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I know! Huge relief. And leaflets growing out of the leaves? Yeah, that’s cute.


Prolly she only did that cuz her name is Jigglypuff. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:




@Graysin yes sir thats me !! Haha @Fiz i have a bloody skunk auto going right now with the most insane coloring to her and it is just the different phenotypes that show colors like that and this…


Thanks for stopping by! Well! What beautiful plants. I was totally surprised to see this, I hadn’t seen any LSD plants that look like this.

I’m delighted of course so long as she’s healthy, and looking at yours I see that all can go very well!

It sure is different!


@Fiz no problem buddy! Love following journals so ill make sure i stop in from time to time from now on . Set to watching. If you ever want to follow mine heres the link

First indoor grow , and journal

I think ive seen you in there at one point in time but theres the link just in case.

It definitely is different. I am a huge fan of any strains/plants that show unique and different colors than what you would usually see, so i was quite excited when i ended up nailing the pheno i wanted after only popping 1 bean . Its nice to see some different dominant colors in plants that are dark like ours as its not something you see everyday . When buds are fully developed they will definitely be some bud porn worthy shots!!


I put up same pic in the bud porn thread. Honestly I was worried something was wrong with her. Whew!

I’ll certainly check yours out! I probably was in there, I wander around a lot.


:heart: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes: :heart:

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