You will run out of room pretty quickly , if you dont flip in the next week or your really going to have to train and tie them down to keep things in check…
Lookin good , your hands will be full…
I agree with @peachfuzz .
You gonna run out of room.
morning @Clandestino …your grow looks good…like the others said remember they will do the flower stretch and double in size and sometimes triple in size…time to do a small branch and fan leaf removal and then send them to flip-aroo-ville…
Thank you @peachfuzz @Retiredoldguy @FUKAZ28 i will remove some smaller branches and leaves and then flip them on monday when i change out the nutrient solution
Hello everyone,
On the last day of veg i did a pretty harsh defoliation and removed all the stems i dont want to flower, and then switched to 12/12.
I’m exited to see how my ladies develop during flower…
morning growmie…you did a good job getting her ready for the flower stretch…I know it hurts to cut branches but in the end they won’t produce and it takes from the others that will produce…
Hello everyone its been a long time since i posted an update, the plants explodet after flipping to flower, i also see now that i should have cut more branches of because i have to many now.
Here are some pics :
This was 10 days ago ( flower day 38 )
Today i will defoliate and i am thinking about cuting of some branches even if they already have little flowers on them, i hope that they will then have more energy for the top branches.
I am not really satisfied with how they are looking rn the buds are still really small …
Happy growing
morning growmie…it is hard to take off branches but in the end they will not produce anything worth keeping and it diverts more energy to the branches that she does like…
morning growmie…looks good to me…nothing below the trellis and nothing deep inside the ‘bouquet’ makes for a happy girl…
Nice work Grow Bro, the plants will love you for that haircut. Nice airflow and light penetration now. I do a preflower defoliation and one at 21 and 42 days in flower
Thank you @Retiredoldguy and @OGIncognito, i hope this will push the buds a bit in size.
I think they are still really small compared to strains i have grown before…
They’ve still got some time to fatten up
Those look like nanners in the last two pics…
You should double check that…
Damn i did not see that, do i have to throw the plants out if it is ? @peachfuzz
Nice catch
I just checked all the buds i found 3 with nanners, i removed them for now but i dont know if they will keep growing back…
here is what i removed, they are really tiny about 3mm in length
Some pics of the buds…
many of the main stems came to close to the light so they kinda dryed/ burned
Over all the buds are really small
How many weeks are you into flower from light flip…?
If you are past 7 weeks and thats all you can see , i would’nt worry too much…
You might have a few seeds in the end but maybe not…
Yes i am in week 7 ( 52 days ),
It is al i could find for now they are really bushy so its hard to see al the buds …
I really hope so, thank you