Thank you for your reply!
In an effort to keep energy costs low, I went with LED. I hope to grow some plants outside this summer, as well.
I live in New England, USA and although we are having a mild winter, my basement only recieves ambient heat from our furnace, so the mat is helping my grow tent stay warm. I can only guess at the temperature at being about 68-70 degrees, I plan to invest in some climate monitoring tech, just trying to keep it simple and costs down while I’m learning.
In terms of germination, I’m having problems getting sprouts.
My first four seeds I just placed into peat pots, and after about 8-9 days when they didn’t sprout, I gently unearthed them and placed them in a paper towel to see if I could resurrect them, I did get three tiny white roots, but they didn’t sprout when I replanted them
I contacted ILGM and they kindly referred me to the germination instructions - these two plants came from seeds that I dropped in water, it took nearly 1- 3 days before they had roots, my larger plant sent out a root after <24 hours, the smaller plant took nearly 3 days.
I now have one seed floating in a darkened cup of water, and I plan from now on to only start one seed at a time to ensure I’m giving it the care it needs. I’ve read so many methods for germination online, it’s hard to decide what is best! I have some more seeds coming, hoping for better results. Up to now I think the issue was with my care in starting, not the seeds themselves. My next set of seed contains Northern Lights (regular - I want to learn to distinguish male am female plants as well as generating clones), and I’ve also got some Gold Leaf feminized coming ( so I can learn to stimulate flowering).
In response to the question about my soil depth, I was just leaving a bit of sidewall as “insulation” against drafts on my seedlings.
Thanks for your warm welcome and comments!