First time white widow auto grow

This is day 49. They will not start budding only keep growing flowers. What is going on?? Maybe I’m being inpatient but most of the grows on here have buds by now… maybe I’m doing something wrong? We have trimmed the leaves and LST in the past.

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I am a newbie but I guarantee you give them 12/12 and they will sex. Autos would have sexed by now.


Welcome to the community ! sometimes you get a stubborn one. Cutting daylight hours will definitely help to start flowering. On the other hand you’re going to have a bigger plant, more buds. Good luck :+1::v:


I have had Autos start flowering a month apart planted the same day, same strain. But that’s not often.

Looks as it might just be starting to transition. If u look at the pic u can see what looks like a nice preflower popping in. If autos throw it 2 hours less loght for a few days and see if it helps any. I wouldn’t go 12 12 but if ur on 18 6 try 16 8 or so see if she pops maybe 2 more hrs dark will help ya. Was she stunted at all if so each time stunted will stall it a week or 2. Ive had one bg auto almost die from transplants and it took almost 2 months before she flowered after all the shock. She finished small as heck but nice buds on her was super dank


I have an auto like that in my tent . All others have flowered except for that one. I guess give it time or 12/12 the light cycle if you are impatient. (New grower as well)