What he said. Looks sticky! Good work
Thanks for the feedback @Myfriendis410 and @elheffe702.
I started flushing with water 13 days ago, do you think that could have been to early?
Also i’m wondering about the top leaves, some of them are getting a bit yellow at the edges and are starting to curl like they are drying out. Is this something I should be concerned about?
See attached picture below.
I wanna thank you for the all the feedback i have received so far, you guys are really helpful.
That’s just the plant eating itself because of no nutes, perfectly normal.
To help you understand it better,
So when your about to harvest and you want your plants smoke to be smooth, you start water only, like you did. At that point, the plant is going to start eating itself, getting all those stored nutrients out of the leaves. Which will make the leaves start dying off. That’s exactly what you want! Killer job man, that plant looks awesome!!
Yeah, looking just about like she should!
Thanks, I really appreciate your encouragement.
Hi guys!
I’m mesmerized by how beautiful my/this plant looks once you get close, its just mind blowing .
Any hows, back to my main reason for posting today.
I wanted to send you an update of my little project.
Tried the loupe again and felt a bit more comfortable but not happy with the outcome, photos attached below.
And here are some photos from my camera, the very same photos that got me mesmerized.
@Myfriendis410 , @elheffe702 , @imSICKkid , @FrostyBuds: can any of you guys advice on harvesting or not?
And as always i really appreciate all input (good or bad) you guys can give me.
All the best from Kontaktytan…
You are very close. The cola is throwing foxtails which is a sure sign of a fully mature plant.
At this point, I feel like you can harvest whenever you would like
Keep practicing with the closeups, it does take a knack to get it.
I am with the others, you are very close and could chop at any time.
Great Job on beautiful buds! You will be very impressed with your bad self in a month or so when they are ready for a buzz test.
@Myfriendis410, @imSICKkid thanks for your input
I have read a lot about how to spot when or not to harvest, and i only got the theory of it since this is my first attempt.
And in all my research, there is one thing almost always written about.
harvest early and the effect will be this or that
harvest late and then you will have an other effect
So I would like to know your opinion / experience about this?
You want fully mature trichomes which means cloudy. Amber is degraded into CBN (sleepy time chemical) and the later you harvest, the more CBN is produced. Too early and the THC is not as developed and the bulk and potency hasn’t been maximized. One could harvest a plant early and the only thing missing out on is bud mass. That final two weeks sees a lot of bulking up of flower.
In all honesty I didn’t even look at my last three plants: they were fully mature and I took em down. But I’ve been doing this for years. Your plant is ready for water only for at least a week and I’d put it into darkness after that for 24 hours and harvest.
Some flowers never develop amber.
Thanks for the explanation, much appreciated.
I’m going to stick with your guidance on this first trip.
Started this growth knowing nothing about growing, besides from what i have read (which is a lot).
And everything i have read so far always contradicts each other, making me disturbed.
I love logic,recipes and order in all parts of my life including the whole IGLM scene, if its not there its not for me.
Thanks to you and all others at this forum I have found something that i must explore more.
I am with you on this, brother!
Hi guys!
I have just finished harvesting and trimming my darling plant.
Thanks to all that has supported me in this first attempt, I really appreciate all of your feedback.
The weight of the plant just before i started curing, photos below:
Don’t know if this is a good result or not, i’m just happy about the outcome.
Super kind regards from
Heck yeah, congrats buddy! Don’t worry about the weight. Your next one will be better!
Nicely done, @Kontaktytan, it will be the most enjoyable bud you ever had 'cause you grew it yourself. Congratulations.
As @elheffe702, each grow will be better than the last, for a few grows at least. I started growing in January of 2018 (18 months ago) and each of my have gotten better and better. I am on grow #7 now expecting to harvest in mid-August.
Hi @Kontaktytan, I just read your posts and I’m growing a WW fem indoors too. I was wondering if you are satisfied with when you harvested, if you’ve tried it yet, and how it is. Would you and @Myfriendis410 @imSICKkid @TommyBahama @elheffe702 @merlin44 and @FrostyBuds mind taking a look at my pics and tell me what you think? I haven’t flushed yet, and I’m growing in soil.
Thanks everyone, if you have the time to reply I appreciate it!
Run it out some more IMO. Some cloudy, no amber. But your flower looks to be actively bulking up.
@Myfriendis410 do you suggest flushing anytime soon? She’s only in week 7 but I don’t want a heavy couch lock feel.