First time Grower help!

Hey guys,

This is my first time growing and I just need a bit of a heads up on what to do.

I started germinating a week ago today and I moved my seeds into pots a couple days ago.

I know it’s only been a week but they haven’t poked up out of the soil just yet.

Is it okay to keep some light on them and put them in a cycle before they sprout? - they will be planted outdoors as soon as they come up.

Cheers guys any knowledge that you think will help will be so appreciated!!


Welcome to the community :blush: did you take any pictures of the seeds when they popped their tap roots? Sometimes it takes a little bit for them to come up.
What soil did you put them in and how much water are you giving them? What are your temperatures? How deep did you put the seeds?


Welcome to the Community


:point_up_2: a little confused by this statement. Did you soak and they sprouted a tail and you put them in pots or they sprouted and you transplanted? Anyway light is not needed to sprout seeds. Pics would help :love_you_gesture: welcome to the community Growmie


Thank you!

No I didn’t unfortunately, but from different websites I’ve looked at, they were fine to be planted at the time.

I’m watering them twice a day, a dribble nothing too excessive. The temperatures sitting at around 22-24 degrees at the mo. I put the seeds about 2cm deep.

Do you suggest I keep the light off even if Ive had it on for a couple of days already?

I’m probably being an impatient bastard but Cheers for getting back to me!

Thank you Dreamer!!


HeyCheers pal! They sprouted a tail and then transferred them into soil. Do you recommend I turn the light off now or shall I keep the cycle going?


I keep the light cycle going so they see light as soon as they break soil. :+1:


I’m not real familiar with the foreign metric system, but I think 2 cm is pretty deep. It will take them a while to push through.


Light or no light doesn’t matter but not needed to sprout. Young seedlings after breaking ground are easy to drown (dampen off). After they break ground I cover them with a clear solo cup to create condensation inside the dome for the leaves to absorb, misting the inside of the dome works to get this started. I give about a 1/2 a shot glass of PHd water every 2-3 days when their in solo cups for the first 12-14 days then I transplant to their forever home :love_you_gesture:



What @Audiofreak said.


Hi @mash8901 ! I’m also a first time grower and new to the site, so take this for what it’s worth.

When I soaked my seeds, I put them in a glass of water for 24 hours and then moved them to wet paper towels inside of plastic sandwich bags for another 1-2 days. At this point, even the shortest tap root of my seeds was over 1cm long. At this point I made a very small hole no more than 1 cm deep, less than 1/2 an inch for my fellow Americans. From my reading, planting the seed too deep can give your girls a harder time poking their heads up through the grow media you’ve got them in. My girls all came up through the soil in less than a few days, but let me tell you, I was nervous AF, and worried, and etc… The best thing I’ve found and seen is to just make sure that your seeds stay warm, damp and humid. They’ll sprout as long as they don’t dry out, though, if they are that deep, you might want to move (extremely carefully) some of the media off the top to help them break the surface. That’s what I did… again, not saying this is correct, just what I did, and I have a 100% germination rate on my first grow, so this worked for me.

Congrats on pulling the trigger on your first grow and best of luck!! :pray:


Same same i drop in a shotglass for a day or 2, when seed cracks i move to paper. Towel. Until this.

Then into the dirt.


@mash8901 :point_up_2:perfect example :love_you_gesture:


Thank you all so much for getting back to me!! :v:

I’ll start by taking a tiny bit off the top and see if that helps them come through! I’ll also give the plastic cup a go once they start sprouting and hopefully they’ll be ready to go out into the wild…

I’ll give them a bit more night time and keep them out of the heat for a while longer and hopefully that’ll do something :crossed_fingers:

Give you all and update if anything happens!!!