First time grower. Have a few questions and seek wisdom :)

  1. Welcome
  2. Reading forum for hours, will improve your grow talents.
    link won’t work but site joining is possible. find me DDD.
  4. You have growing plants, keep growing them. you will learn more from completion of grow cycle and then you can learn hang/dry/cure routines.
  5. Forum contributors will assist your learning, just ask. Life is easier when pictures are attached.
  6. My threads on here
    DDDs ILGM-MW-I-P Five Seeds dropped - #90 by Caligurl
    and RE-Veging a continous grow garden - #630 by DEEPDIVERDAVE
  7. Growing plants can teach more than dead weeds.

8.Support ticket information helpful to all readers. Sharing is caring.
9. Have fun, we do.