First time ever grow

Hi Jim, got some question.

how to count a nodes ? is first serrate leaves count as a first node or a second leaves with 3 fingers is the first ?

I myself about to start chopchop my girl (autos). aim for mainlining/manifold at above of nodes2 just wait for them to thick enough. It experiment tho, I follow a guy on youtube instruction.

Thanks in advance!


Hi @kardel. Instead of just a simple answer, I’m going to refer you to the place I learned about nodes and topping. Great resource.


i may not understanding this context correctly (sorry for my english :sweat_smile:) , since i read ‘someone’ on the internet is not counting first serrated leaves as a nodes. and guy who i watched on youtube count, I want to learn his way so I think I following him then.

As they said in content, node is where new grow tips begin. so I think my understanding is correct right? or should I following that the first 1 finger should not count as a node.

Thanks for information shared bro!


First node is the first split, you got it

Keep at it and you’ll have a strong finish!



@JimWantsToGrow yeah i understand now thank you!!

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Hello everyone just curious i just topped my plants for the first time Tuesday. They have 1 node and another that should be popped out in the next day or so. How many nodes do i let it grow oit before i do a 2nd topping?