Bought 10 each of Durban Poison and Super Skunk.
Germinated 10 (5 each) up front and moved to a seedling tray, 100% sprung up but neglect and not enough light meant 100% mortality.
Germinated the next 10 (5 each) and moved to seedling tray. 100% germination but poor light meant a lot of stretching. Changed over to a 450W LED light and transplanted to small pots, at this time 7 died.
So I have 3 Durban Poison left and even they appear stunted.
I’m doing more reading I have discovered in my fear of overwatering I was probably under watering. Also I think the seedling tray was a bad idea. Roots were pretty mangled during transfer.
Just ordered a new batch of seeds and will have a crack. Hopefully I can get them outdoors soon to get some veg growth before March when outdoor light shifts back towards 12/12.
Very interesting hobby so far!
Why not wait for Jan 1 and participate in the community grow off?
Community Grow Off?
I’ll do some reading to find some info. Not sure I’ll get my seeds before then, but happy to jump in late.
Ya join late no problem. Dont delay getting ur ticket in
Great recruiting @basementstealth!
I don’t believe I’ve seen you post before, so welcome to the group! Sorry you’re having a rough go at it so far too. Do you have any pictures of your operations that would help me better understand what you’re doing?
Thanks for the welcome.
It’s a learning experience and I will only improve my next round.
I will head out shortly and take some photos for you.
I definitely rushed into this and will do better next time.
Yesterday it appeared as though something is munching my leaves.
Some photos of my tray with 6 pots, only 2 left. 42deg today so maybe the heat killed the other one.
The best of the last 2 appears to be eaten by something.
I would agree, looks like something is eating them. It also looks like a couple of those pots are awfully wet. What is the medium you’re using in the pots? And you said 42 degrees, is that Celsius?
Those were freshly watered, hence the wetness.
Yeah my medium is a mix of organic potting mix, coir and pierlite.
Yeah, Australia uses celcius. So 107F in US.
Might move them outside in the hope of avoiding the bugs. They’re not in a sealed indoor unit, just an old fish tank with LED lamp hanging over. Photo of LED light label, in case it helps. Also rough photo of my setup with lights shifted to the left so I could do the photo!
You need to keep some air moving through your space. Hard to do in a fish tank though. If you’re going to continue to grow indoors I would look at getting something setup that’s more appropriate.
My plan is to germinate and get seedlings to a good enough size for some outdoor growing. Any tips on size of seedling before I can move them outside? I have thought airflow might be a concern. For the next round I will install a small computer fan in the space.
Thanks heaps for your feedback
The plants can grow from seed outside. You should check your climate for when is good to move them out.
Some updated photos. Seedlings gone outside and the bigger of the 2 looks way better. 2nd one might be about to come good too. Maybe daylight and fresh air is better than LED and stale air (obviously, der). Thanks for everyone’s help and advice!!!
Some more growth over the last couple of days. Plenty of rain and soil is too wet outside. Hope for some sun soon.
Updated photos with a bit more growth. Look h stronger and first set of 5 fingered leaves are visible. Hopefully it will kick on and up when it goes in the ground in the next few weeks
Look like they are ready for transplant. Nice work.
Thanks, they go in the ground on 25/01. Got more than 12hrs light until mid-March down here, so hopefully they really kick on.