The vegetal stink seems to be getting stronger.
A couple of those little “bunches of leaves” upon closer examination were little branches about 1.25 inches long that had climbed up the main stem instead of growing out to the side, I kinda sorta LST’ed them by putting them under a larger leaf, but I think it might be time to wire them.
Just wait… stronger will be an understatement. I tuck larger stubborn fan leaves. Got a pic of what ur talking about?
Oh yeah @jdm61 you will notice closer to flower but some are different.
25 days from popping her head up, 29 from seed in the glass of water. I tied her back a bit so that the little tops could get some light. I am getting more little tiny things on the main stem.
‘Sucker’ shoots are the little branches that grow above fan leaf branches. They become ur buds at a point. So try to manipulate the leaves to get sunlight down in there.
Id only keep track of days since she got above soil n days since first pistils.
Also the yellowing lower leaves are asking to be fed (usually). What kind of soil is she in again?
The MG Natures care organic and natural. Shouldn’t’ that last longer than 4 weeks? The yellowing might be from the overheating when the leaves did the taco thing. What do you feed at this point? I only have access to HD/Lowes and the grocery store. The tip of one of the early leaves went brown and crispy. The soil said you should add notes about now, but those leaves have been yellow for while.
Hmmm gotta pic of the soil bag? N im an Alaska fish emul fertilizer… u can get em at walmart…
Edit we went thru the soil dance… not sure if its time released or nah. But if it aint… its very very low nuted soil (better then time controll)
Do they have ithe Alska fish stuff AT Wal Mart or on line? I checked HD and they had nothing. No low N stuff of any kind. I went on line and Lowes has that stuff at a couple fo stores like 20=25 miles away, but the store near me has another brand in a dry form. I will probably go with that for now.
I’ve got the Alaska fish from Walmart in the store if they are out order pick up in store
I found out the problem. “Outdoor” fertilizer that contains significant amounts of phosphorus has been banned in may county until October 1.They say the runoff is causing algae blooms, etc. I will have to go to another county
They fox farm sledge hammer to flush your soil with. they won’t ship to Fla. the Alaskan fish emulsion fertilizer is a quick way to get nitro to your plants
For grow i use 5-1-1 (5N, 1P,1K). For bloom 0-10-10.
Walmart n HD carry it here. Not sure bout lowes. Any gardening store would as well
There was a lot of room in the pot, so I added a bit more soil and watered it a bit. Now I have what liooks like mild nute burn on the tips of a couple of new leaves. It may be the nitrogen as the plant looks like it is getting some pistils on the main top and a couple of the smaller tops. Oy!
Maybe a bit… got pics? Hope that MG aint too loaded
Nope, I pulled the offending leaves. I found some 2-10-10 Sunniland bloom fertilizer at Lowes in the next county over. .All they had from the Alaska fish butt people was the 5-1-1 in the gallon size. I will find some of that and the 0-10-10 next round when I get set up with some proper ingredients and equipmen for growingly other 4 Fastberry seeds and whatever else goes after that. . The plant is skinny and about 11 inches tall but with a fairly thick main stem. The little side branches kind grew up the main stem so I have them spread out a bit now. I am starting to see little pinkish-purple pistil looking thingies.
2-10-10 isnt horribly bad. I hate removing ALL N so i supplement Megacrop in with it. So 2-10-10 should be fine. Got a link?
And pistils and stipules are two diff things. Stipules are the green rigid things. Kinda like pistils but all plants have them. Pistils are pink or white (when new) and curl like hair. Do u have a photo?
No pics yet. On this plant, it seems like everything not bright green is some shade of purple-pink like a ripe rhubarb stalk. It has been that way since the first fan leaves showed. Petioles were that color and now bottoms of leaves,etc are showing. They apparently don’t call the parent strain of this plant blueberry for nothing.LOL
I put like a teaspoon of that 2-10-10 around the main stem and watered with a quart of water. This was actually the first time that I actually had a bit of runoff since the first watering in. Previous, I had only been using like 1/3-1/2 of the bottle or just spraying.
Like I said, this is definitely my first time ghetto grow, but it is fun. LOL
ok nexttime mix the teaspoon into a gallon of water. Check ph of that mixed solution. N only water as much as u need. Want the ph before u pour between 6.3 and 6.8
This is totally ghetto, but Googled the Ph of the local water at the plant and it was very alkali so I added a dash of white vinegar to my water. LOL