And I just want to say thank you personally to @PurpNGold74 for getting some people in here , I am excited to finally have people I can talk to and share my excitement with. Also thank you everyone again for joining .
No probs Bob. Now grow girls grow!
But as everyone can see now I’m not a total noob at growing but the indoor side is totally different for me and completely out of my comfort zone . Definitely felt out of my element at first but I am elated that I had made it this far . But I feel better now knowing if I do have any questions or concerns I have a group of people I can run it by .
I get down on my hands and knees and army crawl as far back into the tent as I can (which isn’t much) and stretch my arms as far back as I can to get those girls in the back. I am 6ft 3 so I do have some reach in my benefit but can you imagine a dude my size doing that ? Lol it’s not ideal but I do what I need to at the moment. I have an ac infinity tent which does unzip three out of four sides so in theory I should have no problem getting to them but the tent is in my closet and there’s just enough space to be able to open it up from the front so some type of irrigation system will be getting installed at least before my next grow haha.
And just in case anyone was wondering, that was my bearded dragon named Squirt you seen in one or a few of my photos of the previous grows outdoor. He was my security making sure nobody or bugs stepped near my crop ! Haha just kidding but he sure does love being outside with me on those hot sunny summer days haha.
Hahah oh wow you are tall! The army crawl scooch!! Whatever works right?!
Yea at least you can reach: to be honest I can barely carry Jill to the table to water her and shes in a 2 gallon pot! she makes me too top heavy lol and coming in at a whopping 5’ ZERO”… I’m glad she isn’t getting much taller lol
I can’t catch runoff for testing if I water in the tent and I’m still learning so the more info I gather the better. or else I’d have it easy!
Yes sir I totally get you and completely understand, I already had to make small changes to the way I had my stuff set up so that I can still catch and test runoff with the way I have things laid out . It’s still not ideal by any means but like you said whatever works hahaha I have a plan on what I’m going to do to make it a little easier on me the next time around cause I like this whole scrog net thing and once they are weaved into it your not moving them so I have to work around the plants being stationary at that point haha
Thank @PurpNGold74 for tagging me. Flipdawg08, WOW that is alot outside. I am new to growing indoors to but everyone helped me especially, @PurpNGold74, @Wildfire50210, @yoshi. I will help if and when I can. The ladies inside look great to me but wow that is small for all those girls.
Yes sir! Haha last year between the 2 locations I had I believe there was somewhere around 90 plants flowering and at times it did get a little sketchy cause they got so tall they started to go over the neighbors fence!!! Hahaha luckily they were cool about it and I threw them a few nugs when they were ready as a thank you gift hahahahaha but yeah I always try and overachieve at everything I do and the girls in the tent really took off faster than I imagined (they never grow this fast outdoors in my experience) so before I knew it my met was full so in the next few days maybe even sooner I’m gonna make the switch and ride this train all the way to the end at this point im just gonna have to really be on top of my air circulation and probably do a little more defoliation once they are flowering to maintain this dence bush that I created hahaha
But I also would like to think I have thought of a lot of possible outcomes of having this much in that space so we will see what happens cause if it ends up being successful it’s really gonna look awesome in there right before harvest haha but if there is anything else that I may not have thought of about having a tent this packed by all mean would love to hear anyone’s thoughts or experiences about it . One thing that was mentioned already is the watering hahaha cause its stuff like that which I would think is a simple thing to plan out that caused me a roadblock at one point cause I didnt think about how explosive their growing was gonna be haha.
I have a 5ftx5ft space (homemade grow room) you definitely want some outside air. I use a 4in inline duct fan with carbon cannister (bug eliminator lol) hooked to an old outside dryer outlet. I can send you the link if you need. I also use the same for out bound air for the smell but I just vent that into my house. One high right the other low left side and also two clip fans opposite corners.
Yes that’s kinda what I’m going for just a little simpler I seen this and was thinking of going this route maybe
Ooo I love the K.I S.S. (keep it simple stupid) method LOL.
Well at the moment I have 4 6inch fans 1 on the top of tent , 2 under canopy on floor on opposite sides, and one clipped on the tents frame that oscillates over the canopy and then another like 10 in fan that also blows over the top of the plants. At the moment i am running a passive intake but if needed i do have another 6in inline fan i could use as an intake. The tent I’m running now has a 6in ac infinity cloudline t6 for exhaust fan and it’s a beast honestly has more than enough power to get negative pressure if needed , but the closet the tent is in also has a window which I am using to exhaust my air but it’s also cracked open at the top to allow fresh air to enter the closet along with vents through the walls into the basement which also has a louvered door that goes into my hallway down stairs to pull air from
I do as well , I thought and thought and couldn’t really land on something I felt was worth the effort until I rolled upon that and was like wow why didnt I think of that hahahaa so simple and would def work for what I would need it to
But as you can see in the photo my tent is in my closet but the entire closet itself is kinda like the grow room cause the whole closet is kept at my preferred temp and humidity through my temp and humidity controllers so pulling air directly from outside with my set up may make the other appliances have to work harder to maintain the temp and RH I set them at due to the outside air where I’m at right now being very hot and very dry lately
My room is also in the basement of my house and the house has central air , so with the ac on my temp still sits at about 78°F because of the lights and whatnot putting out heat. So that helps with the space heater I have in the closet not have to be running all the time to keep temps at where I would like them . ( that is if the air outside is too cold or too hot ) but that’s pretty much the only reason I have not installed an intake fan and decided to go with the passive intake method at this point
I would also like to add into here my water system just so there’s a little more info about my grow on here.
So what you see here is a little system I rigged up , it is a 7 gal bottle with spicket that I use for treating my tap water. I drilled a hole through the top of it and plastic welded a metal rod through it so that I was able to run some air line with air stones attached , which helps me mix my solution as well as airate the water and help me evaporate whatever chemicals are in it. I will usually fill it up and let the air pump run it for a couple days before adding my nutes and filling up my pale to water the girls. I was pretty proud about how well it ended up working maybe someone else could use this idea for something as well.
Oo I understand that completely, they do really look good to me but again I am still new on my 2 grow (first serious one). I only have three and they are slow because of my current lighting but they have been in flower for about 2-3 weeks now. I kind of want to stay in my lane sort of speak lol. But I can point you to some great people.