First Grow White Widow Auto - Feedback if I'm on the right track


In the first few weeks with WW auto. It was suggested to leave light 24/7 during veg, and 12\12 during flower. Indoors. Any prob with the 24\7?

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I ran mine 18/6 till I saw pre-flower then I went 12/12 to save a little money on electric.

I donā€™t think 24/0 is good. Cells need a rest periodā€¦

Thanks. Iā€™ll go 18/6. First time growing.

I went 18/6 for 13 weeksā€¦ the only reason I changed to 12/12 was I had a Maui Wowie photo that needed 12/12 to start flowering. I would leave it 18/6 for the complete time.

Geeez thats awsome shes a beast

I too bought the 10+10 and donā€™t know the best way to keep the probably 15 left for next grow. Any ideas

I keep mine in an airtight container in a cool, dark closet.

Happy Growing!

Thank you lots


Hi ocmary here, new to this and this is the only place I could find to put a start to my posting. I know this is an old ?, but I needed to start somewhere right?

@ocmary - If you are starting a grow, you can create a grow journal here. It is under the ā€œbeginnerā€ tab. I will tag you on one of my journals so you see :metal:

Hi, I am so glad someone responded. I have had several grows, but in the past they were from seeds from the old Colombian brown stuff that had tons of seeds. I have grown pretty good plants from that so I gave Robert a try. My White widows are short, but they have limbs with buds that 2-3 inches in diameter and 18" long. The buds are so tight that you have to work at it to see between them. And so sticky that I hate to touch them! Boy grooming those buds are going to be a sticky mess. I will have to wear glove and line up fresh scissors.

In a message dated 6/13/2019 2:46:11 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

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might want a fan blowing on the buds to prevent mold.
it starts deep and will spread fastā€¦be aware.