First grow. Just transferred into 3 gallon pots. How often for watering?


Some go by the weight of the pot. When the pot becomes light they water. I stick my finger in to my first knuckle if it’s dry I water in a ring away from the plant so roots grow and go after the water. What soil are you using?


I’m using CoCo. I was wondering how often because they’re in bigger pots now. Appreciate the response.

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I believe with coco you want to keep it moist at all times. Others will be along to chime in soon, im just passing on what i learned here. Looking great so far.

ATM it’s gunna be small feeds with a flush maybe every 7 days once pots are full of roots u can auto feed up to 10 times in a 12 hour period

Once u have a decent root ball u should be right

Feed those ladies daily or at least every other day Grow Bro. Feed 2-4 inches away from the main stem, this will get the roots to spread out searching for nutrients. Make sure you get run off to prevent the salts from the fertilizer from building up in the root zone :love_you_gesture:

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I’m growing with 70/30 coco/perlite in 3 gallon fabric pots on elevators. I “fertigate” every day following the advice on:


Appreciate the feedback. Thank you!

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The girls look amazing!

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Anytime Growmie :love_you_gesture:

Are you feeding nutrients with every watering?

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Yes, I feed coco daily at a PH of 5.8-6.2 with the nutrient strength around 850 PPMs. Get those temps up around 76-80 and you’ll see more growth for the veg stage :love_you_gesture: