Hi, I’ve got a thread going elsewhere and I’d like to move it over to Grow Journals…how do I do that?
Anyway, I’m 2.5 weeks into my first grow. I think things are going quite well…plants seem to be growing at a good pace, generally happy I think:
I’m certain I am having some nutrient issues tho:
Here are the basics I’m working with…
What strain: 2xRed Dragon, Barney’s farm,1xCharlotte’s Angel, Dutch Passion and 1 x Jack Herer, Native seed co.
Method: Organic soil
Light period: 24hr for first 10 days of seedlings in solo cups, then 18/6 after potting up…still 18/6 at week 2.5 (19 days on)
Vessels: 15litre pots
PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable): Water 6.5, run off can be over 7!
PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable: NA
Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
Tent: 90cmx120cmx160cm
Light system HLG550 LED
Temps; 24-25ºc
Humidity; avg. 70%
Ventilation system; Yes, small
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: AC/Heater
Co2; No, but brewing in same area so Co2 can be a bit overwhelming at times!
I check PH daily, but seems stable at around 6.5.
Added a dilute of Cal/mag 4 days ago as I thought that might be the problem…
They seem very light green…I would want them darker I would think.
Fed them once only at this point… with Organic Nitrosol (N8, K3, P6) a blood and bone with minerals and trace elements.
Main concerns are splotchy leaves, light green, and some leaf curl:
Also, I might be getting close to training time…
As I’m a bit new, I was thinking of trying topping one , Fimming another, and maybe another technique on a third…and leave one alone!
Any suggestions on how to go?
At this point, it’s about getting the feeding right.
What’s a good schedule to follow? I know overwatering is a big problem with newbies.