So I finally got my wire for training, and I decided to give it a go for my Northern Flower girlies. How did I do? I would say it’s been on for about 2 hours now which is when I also took these photos. Let me know if anything is off or how I can improve and move forward with LST:)
That looks fine for now. A little early to start but not a problem at all. Let it get some size to it and keep all the tops as much on the same level as you can.
I see some hair between those legs, good to go! Bend her over and tie her up! (she likes it don’t worry)
Okay cool! I was a little nervous because I have come across people saying it’s better to tie down earlier because of malleability, but also I was kinda concerned about her size.
Hahahah oh yes!! I can’t wait to see how she does!
Looks good. Like @HMGRWN said a little early.
You can promote the branch growth by trying the ponytail method of lst. Look up ponytail autoflower. The idea is you close off the light to the top exposing more light to the lower branches. You do this for the day and take it off at night. Velcro ties help.
Good luck with her. She looks healthy.
@CurrDogg420 lmao i almost spit my coffee out reading that.
Okay so I went ahead and kinda loosened up the wire so that it allows the plant to continue to grow up and the bend is still enough to get the smaller area more light. Gotta say, her stem seems a bit more thicker and tougher. Any comments, thoughts, suggestions?
Dont be afraid to bend her over more then that. Keep her tied down or she’s gonna straighten herself out.
Bend her over to horizontal then keep tying the main stem after new growth she’ll start growing up again in a day or so, something less. Then start tying down the other branches