Are there any differences in watering techniques using these fabric pots vs plastic landscapers pots??? Just got 7gal fab.pots. any thing else I should know about them??
Depending on which ones you got they can dry out quicker than the all plastic pots.
If they are the black all fabric ones they will dry faster if they are like the root trapper 2 pots with the white coating on the sides than they will dry slower than the all fabric non coated ones.
When you water with the non coated ones you’ll see water seeping from the sides but that will collect in the saucers and wick back up after awhile. If there is too much after say 30-45 min then just dump the excess.
I’ve grown and do grow using both styles and prefer the root trapper 2 over the non coated one. The non coated are primarily used for smaller plants transitioning from cow pots to 1 gallon pots before going to final homes in root trapper 2 pots.
Long reply but hope this helps and I think you’ll like the change
I use fabric pots and the biggest difference to me is that i dont have to use as much caution about overwatering. They are waaaaay more forgiving.
There’s a lot less chance of overwatering. I mean, if you water too frequently, that will still be an issue, however watering a lot, all at once, is less likely to cause issues.
Also, roots can grow through cloth pots, allowing the roots to be air pruned. This helps prevent your plants from becoming rootbound.
You don’t want this. Run-off is run-off, even from side walls. That uptake only works if you’re feeding via SIP or flood tables, which uses fresh nutrient solution. You don’t want your plants taking up the run-off, which picks ups salts and such as it seeps out of the pot. Then, once under the pot, that solution can become anaerobic.
Should have clarified…I’m growing organic…not chemical salt based nutrients so no worries for me…if your using those nutrients just be aware of that
With the plastic pots I watered about every 3 days a gal and half. To runoff. Sucked up runoff everytime. The roots looked a bit packed in the pots at harvest. So am going 7gal and fabric and see if that helps.
Oh ya I’m using ffof and ff neuts, will be ready to do my flushes.
I grow organic, too. Anaerobic bacteria is not our friend.
That’s why if you let water soak up and some is left over after 30 min to dump excess…no different than watering to run off except some on top and let what runs through to saucer suck back up. It’s not going to be anaerobic unless it sits in excess water for a time…it won’t wick excess if there is no room in soil. Just like when you flush the plant…the soil is just as saturated in the end.
Different strokes for different folks