F#&k Bugs, My Outdoor Growbox is a fortress

Nice are you going to be doing dry amendments? Or more of a living soil approach and just water with teas.

Living soil i guess. I use basic non fertilized potting mix with fox farm base nutes and an array of supplements. I use growers recharge and mammoth p with some blackstrap molasses for microbes and fungi. I am still reletively new at growing compared to others in this forum started last summer when oklahoma went medical. I am self taught with really no advisors up until joining ilgm.

I am in process of building hoop house, I will post pics when done…


I swear by unsulphured blackstrap molasses… It’s got your PNK all in one and add some sweetness to the flavor of your buds plus the bonus of the microbes and fungi…:+1::+1::+1::grin::grin::grin::grin::tada::tada:

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I cant remember if we had discussed this but I am in green country Oklahoma! Sounds like you’ve got a good start on thing for your soil and what you want/need to do. Looking forward to some updates!


That’s awesome, can’t wait to see the finished project!

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Edmond ok is where i stay

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Those ladies look great! By far bigger than what i got going on

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nice Christmas tree


Not too far! There’s a handful of us Okies here, @Amazon66 @imSICKkid @RandomlyRan @DoobieNoobie are all I can think of at the moment. @Haildamaged as well but he’s M.I.A. sadly… Miss you HD


My family is from OK… Claremore


[quote=“Dbpooper, post:30, topic:49885, full:true”]
Not too far! There’s a handful of us Okies here, @Amazon66 @imSICKkid @RandomlyRan @DoobieNoobie are all I can think of at the moment. @Haildamaged as well but he’s M.I.A. sadly… Miss you HD

Today’s pics


There’s a couple more than that here in Ok. Had a few others that aren’t around anymore. Outdoor in ok does great. @MrFriend I’m in Moore if you ever need anything feel free to holler at me.


@DoobieNoobie, i DO want to try a small hydro set up but am scared to. Would feel way better with a mentor in person


You get ready to just let me know. I’m not a pro but I’m comfortable enough to walk you through it. I will say small hydro systems are a bit more work than bigger ones. But very doable. The main concern is temperature. If you’re going to keep it in a air conditioned room then no worries. If not I’d suggest doing it fall/ winter to help keep the water cool. It’s a great way to squeeze a extra grow into the year indoors.

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I have a 9x6 indoor grow room with 5ft windows facing south that gets indirect hvac, summer high this year indoor with no direct hvac vents is 91f and %48hu. Reckon winter coldest no space heater would be around 60f.


Grow lights help a lot in winter. 60 is about my average in my room during winter. At plant height its in the 70’s. So you’ll probably be in good shape for winter. The plants don’t do well if the water is warmer than high 70s. And do great with water in the mid 60’s.

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I would like to see with my own eyes hydro/dwc maintnence, water/feed change ect. I learn better in person by exampke than by book/internet

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Well we can certainly get you fixed up.

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Been lettin mother nature flush the ladies. Worked out well since i was going to flush this week anyways. The screen protected through yesterdays rain storms. Glad there was no hail and hope none comes in future. Toped them a lil over a week ago, might have to again.