I’ve been using this method for the last 2 grows. This is very interesting. Wrap a copper wire around a dowel or stick and push into the ground next to one plant and not next to a second plant and watch what happens. This concept and proven test results are spreading like wildfire.
Did you know that it’s been proven that there are 100 volts of electrical potential for every meter that you rise above the ground? Actually, many used to know this fact, and it is quite possible (even likely) that whole cultures and cities used to tap into potential free energy available in the aether. Currently there is a huge resurgence of interest in electroculture here at the dawn of the energy age. And while there are currently many differing opinions with regard to how we approach electroculture, first hand experience will soon, once again, rediscover what works best. In other words, we are on the ground floor of learning (again) how to tap into free energy.
Oh lord not this again
This is beyond “bro science” there is absolutely nothing scientific supporting this does anything. Many studies have been done and always shows, it dosen’t work.
Howdy Buddy
I have been experimenting with this also.
No harm in trying.
I took two clones from plant ,same size…they were tiny about four inches high.
Growing in auto-pots,they are getting fed exactly the same nutrients from nutrient tank.
I purchased 30cmx 5mm copper rod and attached copper coil.
Put rod into pot on the right hand side of picture.
I will update thread on progress, will give them another month then go 12/12.
I always recommend that growers spend their time mastering the basics before spending time on things such as this.
This is only potential energy and cannot captured. There is no way to capture that energy other that extracting the energy expended by an object that is dropped from that height. If the process were efficient at all, then it would be widely used to create energy. There is currently no technology to accomplish this or we would be seeing drop devices all over the country rather than windmills.
There are as many articles out there debunking this as there are those “proving” the theory. I’ll also add that if it were productive, then it would be widely used by growers. The theory of potential energy has been around since the late-1800’s. If it were helpful, then it would have been mastered a long time ago, as there is nothing particularly sophisticated about potential energy. The equations were developed by Newton circa early-1700s.
Wouldn’t the billions of grounding rods installed since the advent of AC have drained the “aether” by now? Maybe the grass once grew greener over the grounding rods?
I’ll admit it seems pretty far fetched to me but i did find a wooden dowl and thick copper wire and wrapped it up and stuck it into one of my pots. I thought i heard a root snap during the process so, not so good so far. I am going to see for myself on this one…
Hold on a sec, there’s untapped energy everywhere!
Just imagine if we had looked at Niagara Falls and said”there’s no free energy in this…
Next thing you’ll probably say is that the energy from my crystals that I put in the soil don’t put off the positive vibrations that are ESSENTIAL to my success with my grows.
For those who might have thought at the beginning that the this was a serious post, you don’t know my sarcastic arse yet.
In all seriousness, I can’t fathom that this is real, but then again, I suppose the people that thought the energy of Niagara Falls could never be harnessed for power probably were shocked (pun intended) that it was turned into an absolute powerhouse
That having been said, sucking energy out the air, to benefit plants at a soil level seems as hokey to me as water witches
Edit: the funniest thing is, as a person who will try almost anything once(almost anything, not double homicide, so stop asking…you know who you are), I’ll probably end up trying it because all my friends are.
Yes if all my friends we’re jumping off a cliff, I probably would too, Mom… I’m a lemming)
I have not read these articles, the only question I have is how much were they paid to say that?
I’m not suggesting the theory of electroculture is proven, but I am suggesting the people paid to say that it doesn’t work are also the same people that want to make a profit from energy. Corporate has everything to lose from free energy.
I think he did. Follow the money trail, and you’ll see JP Morgan wouldn’t finance any of his projects after a certain point of progress simply because JP Morgan understood the consequences of discovering, refining free energy devices. (Loss profits)
Or if the technology has been suppressed, and they told you it doesn’t work so that you wouldn’t discover or try??
At first yes it does seem hokey, I’ll agree with you 100%.
However in response to everyone I quoted, I’ve seen videos, and I’ve tried a few things myself with an electrical meter, I assure there’s something out there that will make a light bulb turn on from nothing. The energy is there, it’s not about “believing in something” as trying it for yourself, only then, will you understand there IS energy available… How much I don’t know.
Until you try electroculture for yourself it is something that is very difficult to understand, but I assure you there is potential free energy available.
How much energy depends on how large the antenna is.
All I’m asking for the skeptics (which is understandable because at first it does sound completely crazy…) is try it for yourself, or at least keep an open mind.
You talking to someone who listened to Art Bell religiously for years, so I certainly have an open mind, maybe too open at times, but I’m open to try the Hokey Pokey.
Just got to steal some copper from the construction site down the road
You thing I’m trying this experiment on my dime? You don’t know my tightness with money.
I think Tesla might disagree on that honestly. Doesnt mean we can tap into it yet. Our government knows what he knew since they confiscated and buried his research upon his death.
Niagara falls actually exists and that energy can be extracted.
There is no magical life force or any kind of aether to extract any energy from my freind.
And you are correct, crystals can not provide anything for plants other then potentially minerals to feed them, things don’t have “positive” vibrations, this stuff is woo-woo. There is no scientific evidence suggesting any of this stuff works.
Any success you have is 100% all you my freind, there’s no magic involved as these things are not scientific.
Way to many people believe this stuff, and sorry I missed the joke i guess
It’s all over social media and it makes me fear for future generations with the crazy stuff that people believe
There is no “theory of electroculture” as it didn’t pass the scientific method many decades ago.
There was once a hypotheses of electroculture and that hypotheses was tested by many laboratories around the world. And it failed every time.
Check out the video i linked and follow the sources he provides and that will get you what you need.
A theory is a collection of facts about a proven hypotheses, electroculture was first studied as actually applying an electrical currency to the ground from a power source.
It’s not even scientifically possible to test any form that social media has twisted it into now as that requires something called aether or some sort of mystical life force that simply doesn’t exist
This is not true.
If you or anyone is getting a reading on a meter from nothing, then you have a faulty meter or are useing it wrong.
I took 18 months of industrial electricity and motor control and I’ve never seen a reading from nothing. My brother is an electrical engineer and i assure you, if it was possible to extract free energy from the air, my grow lights would not cost me $500 a month to run
Come on my freind, you been on the wrong side of youtube to much bother
Where is the actual scientific stuff from tesla showing this is possible?
It doesn’t exist. This is all conspiracy nonsense and not scientific. If this type of thing wad real, it could not be hidden by the government or anyone.
Scientists are real everyday people and if this was real someone would be doing it.