Easy germination

Here is a simple germing method for new growers.

  1. Bowl. Ph down or up. Calmag. A seed. Rockwool. Solo cups. Propagator.

  2. Ph the water to between 6 and 6.8. Add a touch of CalMag. Soak rockwool for an hour or so in it.

Burn 4 holes in solo on bottom.
Sqeeze out rockwool till just damp/slightly wet.
Pick seeds.
I used bag seeds.
Poke hole in rockwool add your bean.

Place in solo and into propagator. Cover.
Small light for germ and heat. Can use a heatpad but watch for the rockwool drying.
I did these on 18/6.
4 days later i had 3 show. 4th will pop.
At this stage can go right to final pot. Depending on humidity you have to determine whether to cover the seedlings or not.
Now i decide if i keepem or toss. Was a tutorial for new folks.
KEEP moist.NOT wet. Once up then your methods take over in pots.

Hope this helps. 1 way of many. Hopefully others will post some different ways. Germination seems to be the biggest issue with new growers.


This felt hard to me but maybe a more effective means of germinating. Just put a seed in a water cup in the dark for 24 hours and then sowed it.


I dont even do the dark anymore :upside_down_face:
I forget if they ain’t out in front of me somewhere :person_shrugging:t2::green_heart::metal:t2:


Nice write up @Storm :muscle:t2::green_heart::metal:t2:


Lmao well damn I guess that happens when you become big time. I’m on first grow so I peaked at it more than I’m proud to admit.

I agree very thorough


Lmao, Big Time Killa :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::green_heart::metal:t2:


Thanks folks. I do all kinds of ways but this is by far the most user friendly i have found if doing a bunch at once. No thought needed. I went ahead and potted thise sprouts. I seldom remember what I am growing anyway so might be good.