Title says it all, not sure why but this is the second girl to start dying from the top down.
Ph is good, temps are good, humidity is good. Is it bugs?
Title says it all, not sure why but this is the second girl to start dying from the top down.
Ph is good, temps are good, humidity is good. Is it bugs?
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@Myfriendis410 @Hellraiser let’s see if they can chime in. Someone will help you
additional info. this is the second plant in the same tent even after cleaning. also have 2 others in the same space that are fine, but the trichome is the oldest
Do you see gnats?
How old are they?
Are you making sure they are pretty dry before watering again?
Do you see them flying around in your tent?
well crap, its gnats…safe way to get rid of them??
everything is light before i water, and top 1/4 inch is dry,
should you check further down?
I just went through a small fungus gnat issue. Attacked it by using Mosquito Bits and DE. The mosquito bits kills the larvae in the soil who are doing the real damage to the plant by eating it’s roots. I dusted the top of the soil with DE cause I hate watching them just walking around. As the DE cuts into them, they’re not gonna be walking around for long. Could also use yellow sticky traps to get some walkers and flyers as well.
whats DE?
Diatomaceous Earth
can only seem to find what look like pucks of mosquito bits, will that work?
Yes, Hellraiser has you covered!
Don’t know if fungus gnats are your only issue, if my plant looked like that I’d do a good flush with ph adjusted water just to reset them, last bit of water having some nutes so they don’t starve. Also I’d take those bad leaves off, my rule for leaves is if is dead, damaged, or diseased, take it off as they won’t heal and harbors an environment for more pests.
Yes the pucks will works as well. But this is what I’ve used for a long time and always works for me with fungus gnats.
Check your runoff ph and flush if not in the right spot
I have used those bti for gnats and yellow sticky they work but have to keep applying the bti i tried the 5 million nematodes that eat them and in 2 days they gone a couple like 2 or 3 were around for a few days but I don’t see them anymore now
just in canada is the problem. that will take to long to get here.