DWC Seedling Nutes Question

Got a three day old sprout in DWC bucket. Shes resting in rockwool that sits in clay pebbles. My question is rather, should I be adding nutes so soon to the bucket, and then like, use a cup to take some of the bucket solution and poor it over the rockwool?? I’m reading mixed things about when to add nutes. I planned on waiting til the first leaves fell off, but I wanna make sure I’m on the right path.
@PharmerBob @ThatoneAKguy @PurpNGold74 @Gremmall @GreenJewels @DoobieNoobie @Vexer @jbum (and whichever other homies I missed!) Thanks in advance folks :slight_smile: I WANNA KICK AS$ AT THIS TOO JUST LIKE YOU GUYS!


I would wait until the cotys fall off. I’ve only grown 1 in dwc so let’s wait on some others to chime in.
A couple more dwc growers @BigDaddyCain @peachfuzz @Myfriendis410

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Yup that’s kinda what I figured. Thanks for chiming in jewels :slight_smile: I hope I can achieve a garden like yours someday. Those lillies are just beautiful!


I don’t add nutes until the roots reach the water. Your plant should be top fed until then with just PH’d water. If it’s excessively slow to get to the water then you may have to supplement early. When you do start a nutrient program you should be down around 200 ppm initially. It won’t hurt the plant to start that low value soon.


Once my seeds sprout, I leave them in my humidity dome for 7 days before putting them in the buckets, at which time I run 200-300 on nutes. I have enough action at the top of my water, from air stones, that it keeps my medium damp and I don’t have to top feed. But I do check on them daily to make sure.
It takes a little time at first, but once they start, hold on.


Haha I see we’re all a little different. I top feed just as you said. I use a scoop and pour about 2 cups or more of water around the edges of the net pot. I also have enough bubbles that by the time the roots are slightly below the pot I don’t have to do much. I start adding nutes around 10 days old at 300ppm worth just like grandaddy. In my experience they start looking a little light colored by the 2 week mark if not.


@MutilatedMoth Never pour water on Rockwool when plant roots are set up pour the water about 6in around the edge of top and I don’t do nuits till roots are in water and I have atleast 3 nodes on-top. The seeds give them enough energy to get to that point no issues but you will get stem rot if you keep the Rockwool wet


Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit you just saved my baby Caroline



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U learning from the pros now Ms Moth. Keep ur :memo: close


My booooooiiiis!! You guys are AWESOME! I’m so glad I found this place. I feel like this is such a great learning environment, with positive feedback and tons of encouragement! You all should be therapists Haha so positive :slight_smile:


We aren’t therapists we have therapists lol…and cannabis!


Hahaha so true.

We all started into this with limited or no knowledge. Like I said before never be afraid to ask. And remember we all love the plants just don’t over love them. They do better with less attention than with too much. (I speak from experience lol)


@DoobieNoobie 303 ppm at day #4, but no nutes added. Have not used RO however, so thats’ my culprit l think.


Anything in the water or is that your tap water? If that’s your tap water you might want to look into a cheap RO water filter like the RO Buddy that I use. I don’t use straight RO water though it drops my ph to much so I use about 1/3 tap and 2/3 RO. My water from tap is around 250’s.

And if that’s your tap water don’t use it in a humidifier. It can clog up your air filter.


I live in a relatively humid location, so I don’t even need it on lol legit, it’s 65% here. But yeah, just tap, but my tap is ~200 ppm. yeah I was thinking of the RO system at the fish store too, and I know l could get a discount if I got one.


@MutilatedMoth here is the temps u want your room in early veg 72 degrees rh% 68-70% mid veg 74-76 degrees 65-68%rh early flower up to 80 degrees no higher 68%rh mid flower 77 degrees 66-68%rh late flower 72-75 degrees 60-65% rh. Light distances is easy so 40in at seedling 20in from early veg - mid flower 15-18in late flower. These are all estimate measurements and very on equipment and area. Hope this helps. Ps. Ppm verys a lot so we will get into that next time lol I’m to stoned right now. Oh and all temps are lights on. And try not to swing temp more then 15 degrees from night to day.


I use tap my water starts at 220 but after I ph it down it settles at 180-190 at 5.8 ph that’s my flush numbers. I like on demand tap water lol :joy:


@DoobieNoobie @BigDaddyCain
Guys my ppm keeps creeping up, and i’m not adding anything. Wtf??? It started at ~200 and it’s like day 6 aaaaaand it’s 385ppm. The fck??? I’m doing a water change tomorrow morning, as was planned, but i’m trying to figure out what’s going on there.

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Check ur soil. If its slow time release nutes… its gonna NUKE ur plants off just water. What did u use again?

O dang. Ur in hydro. Me no no. Tdub is the man tho