She was very happy yesterday idk whats going on? She was watered tuesday night pot still feels a lil heavy
Do you know what your temperature has been since the plant looked better? They appear to have been exposed to excessive heat.
80… 56% rh but lights did just come on
But its been between 80 and 86 degrees the whole grow
Temperatures are perfect…Perhaps one of the really experienced folks will have some insights.
@Mmanson1981 Looks to me as water issue maybe to much or to little how much have you been water at a time and are you on watering schedule and what size pot’s are you using my friend happy growing
Half a gallon
And a. 3 gallon pot inwater every 2 or 3 days when the pots feel light
I’d check the pH. Looks like P has locked out.
Run off ph is 6.4
That could just be a reflection or shadow I’m seeing; if those are not crispy and grey/brownish. Take a couple more shots, please. Get a shot of the whole plant as well before just leaf shots.
Tell me they can come back from this
They should. Get pH in line again. Adjust the lights higher and give ‘em a break, so they don’t hermie on you.
My tester for runoff is sayingnits 6.3 but my soil probe says 6.8ish
Are your lights dimmable or 100% power during running time? If they are dimmable you may have to reduce power output, I’m new also but it looks to me if you have PH in order the light at 100% might be too much right now for the stress they encountered. I could be very wrong tho like I said I’m new.
Yes they are dimmable should i drop em to 75%
What light cycle are you running 18/6? If so could try that and see. Again I am new to growing myself but that’s what I would do while still in vegand the option of dimming.But @MidwestGuy might know better. Just seems to me if everything else is in balance then light intensity might be the culprit.
Im in 2nd week of flower and im running 19/5