I met one of my neighbors for the first time yesterday. Theyve been there about a year. Turns out hes a DPS officer. Hes hardly ever there. Specializes in drug enforcement/interdiction. Looking for drug runners traveling the interstate. Im sure he knows I grow weed. Its kind of creepy even though its legal to grow 12 plants. I wonder what his stance is on legal marijuana. 4 of my neighbors on my street grow pot. I guess Im gonna have to get to know him a little bit. His wife was super nice and hit if off with my wife so that was cool. She gave us a gallon of fresh goats milk. They are putting up a new fence between our properties. 6ft tall witch makes me very happy. Ive been sober 25 years, x heroin addict. I haven’t been in any trouble with the law for 25 years but I still get nervous around some cops. He made me nervous. I hope he turns out to be a nice guy
My neighbor is local pd. Still very illegal here. Hes been inside my shop with active grows and hasnt said a word. If he knows, im cool with that. I just play the badass neighbor who everyone wants living next to em.
Badassery is definitely a good quality to have as a neighbor. It keeps me out of trouble with 3 cops in my hood. I can build it, cook it or chop whatever you want down if you leave my house alone type neighbor
Oh I definitely want my neighbors to be bad ass mf’rs my other neighbors have plenty of fire power incase the apocalypse jumps off. Glad to have the the cop next to me but it still trips me out.
From the few cops I’ve talked to about cannabis, they don’t really seem to care. Obviously if you’re selling and have a bunch of people in and out all of the time they’re likely to have issues, but just a personal grow - especially where it’s legal to do so - shouldn’t be of concern.
Yeah that would definitely give me a little bit of a nervous feeling even though it’s legal
Ive been sneaking my weed growing for a lot of years. Now that its legal here its still hard to shake the feeling. I dont sell any, I do give some away once in awhile. Very rarely do I have people over for any reason. Doubt anyone would think I was selling weed.
This was back in the mid-70s. I grew up in a town of 50,000 people and most of us teens in town used the same dealer for everything we could ever want. I walked in the guy’s house at one point and there sat 3 of the town’s finest in his living room. They were there for the same thing the rest of us were, but it took me a few days to calm down from walking in with those dudes sitting there. I thought I was about to be busted.
It is pretty nice to nit have to sneak around so much. Not that I advertise to my neighbors I grow.
Id be noided out a lil too.
I know a few retired cops and firemen that started smoking weed after they retired. I know of one that grows his own. Hes only been growing for a few months.
@plumbdand i am one of those retired FF / Medics
If you’re not nervous around cops there’s something wrong with you IMO. I’d stay on good terms with your neighbor though. Could come in handy in a shtf situation. Plus it’s always good to get along with neighbors anyway. Man, I’m so jealous of you guys in legal states. I’m still in the 1950s Reefer Madness prohibition zone. Lame.
Hard to like that post bro.
Whew, glad it ain’t me as he’s got access to a lot of spyware. I wouldn’t get to friendly if it was me either especially the wives.
I would wave and say hi, but I wouldn’t want him waltzing around my property if I was growing weed as he may be 200 percent against it.
Just food for thought as his job and life are built around fighting drugs and cops are taught cannibis is an evil drug.
If he was some local cop I wouldn’t think like that but you said drug interdiction. In my opinion he could make life miserable if he dislikes your hobby and doesn’t want it next door no matter how legal a state your in.
Hopefully he turns out to be ok, good luck.
My daughter is best friends with the assistant captain of the local PD. Lives 4 houses down. Neighbor right behind me is FBI but murder division. They’ve both been over and don’t give a shit about weed.
You indoor Bobby? As he posted in the Outdoor.
Don’t know, but some big outdoor plants next to a guy he really doesn’t know yet just across the NEW fence the cop is building to separate the property would worry me.
Now some discret indoor grow wouldn’t have gotten a reply post from me, as cops live everywhere.
I guess I’ll never get used to weed being legal.
Im kind of a private guy witch is why I waited a year to meet him and his wife. All my neighbors grow weed outdoors. Ive known he was a cop for the whole time. I just didnt know what kind of cop and had never met him. I know he saw me tending to my plants last year. Hes minded his own business pretty much. But yeah still creeps me out.
Lol, I hear ya @plumbdand would me too. After a year though with no issues you should be ok.
Love the free goat milk
Mostly indoor but in the spring I do drop some seeds in my planter outdoor. They know I grow, or have an idea, but they also know why I do and that I’m not growing to sell. Hell, even the AC suggested weed for my wife’s condition.