Does Seedling look healthy

Does seedling look healthy? 9 days old from seed. Under 700w led About 8 inches above plant.

Looks as good as I can tell with the purple light. Might wanna move the lights up to about 20" before they burn


Looks nice and perky. A good start. My only other advice is not to trust the soil meter. If you are pHing your water and water/nute solution with a good digital meter to 6.5, assuming you are using a true soil, you’ll be good to go.

Thanks guys.i really appreciate it. My first grow so I’m like a new parent lol worried about everything learning alot though. I was concerned about the little curved edges on one of the leaves.

White light pics work best. Purple lights dun show much.

PH n PPM meter set is critical. $20 online


Check this link out and copy and paste it for future reference

What's happening here? - #19 by garrigan62