Doc's never ending adventure

Absolutely! @Djh1984
1st of last 3 is the runoff readings after final 5 gallons of water (flush is 3x total volume of pot in phd water, (sometimes more may be required) in this case a 3.5 gallon pot I flushed with 10 gallons of water)
2nd is the ph and tds of my feeding solution which went in after flush water. Once a pot is flushed it is essentially devoid of nutes so a feed is required to replenish them.
3rd is the runoff of feeding solution.

There is alot of disagreement about flushing soil, why, is beyond me. When using a salt based nutrient, in my case Fox Farm, the salts build up as you go. Salt buildup will alter your rootzone ph. If ph is too high or low nutrient cant be taken up by the plant propperly, this is called nutrient lockout. Flushing removes salt buildup, reseting your soil.

This graph shows at what ph nutrient is absorbed. As the bar tapers the harder it is for the plant to uptake to a point of potential inability. 6.5 ph is the sweetspot for soil. (Especially in flower, in flower phosphorous and potassium very important, not so much in veg) Coco coir and hydro have a different sweetspot. I have not used a soiless medium, many do. Each has their own pitfalls and bennifit.
Did that make sense? If not, thats ok. I can get longwinded from time to time. Ask away my friend.

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