This has been the last and current flowering (about 4 weeks in right now) monsoon just wont let go this year. So much humidity in the air the moon was foggy with not even a cloud in the sky last night. Getting down to about 55% has my fan working constantly. Gonna have to get a six inch vent fan by next summer.
@Covertgrower @Myfriendis410 @MeEasy @Borderryan22 and anyone else who knows. Can you tell me if I can brew a tea for 24 hours no microbes or fungi added. Split the tea into two portions, freeze one portion for later use, add microbes and fungi to remaining portion and brew addt 24 hours?
I think that would work fine.
I don’t see a problem. Just make sure your frozen portion warms to room temp before adding them. Don’t know if cold water would kill them or not.
@Djh1984 this is my continuous journal, welcome to pop in and join the convo or comment on my plants, just a hodge podge of stuff in here. I like to bring convos from other peoples threads into this one so I dont hijack anyones threads.
Flush and Feed today, ill post up my notes when Im finished. Almost there.
Flush complete.
5 hours and 40 gallons of water later…
Everybody is happy including me.
Soil runoff back in parameters and on to the next stage of flowering. Change up from Open Sess to Beasty Blooms. Heres my notes
Im beat tired so Im gonna take the rest of the night off and smoke myself stupid! See you all tomorrow.
Doc out!
Could you explain the last 3 lines on your notes
Absolutely! @Djh1984
1st of last 3 is the runoff readings after final 5 gallons of water (flush is 3x total volume of pot in phd water, (sometimes more may be required) in this case a 3.5 gallon pot I flushed with 10 gallons of water)
2nd is the ph and tds of my feeding solution which went in after flush water. Once a pot is flushed it is essentially devoid of nutes so a feed is required to replenish them.
3rd is the runoff of feeding solution.
There is alot of disagreement about flushing soil, why, is beyond me. When using a salt based nutrient, in my case Fox Farm, the salts build up as you go. Salt buildup will alter your rootzone ph. If ph is too high or low nutrient cant be taken up by the plant propperly, this is called nutrient lockout. Flushing removes salt buildup, reseting your soil.
This graph shows at what ph nutrient is absorbed. As the bar tapers the harder it is for the plant to uptake to a point of potential inability. 6.5 ph is the sweetspot for soil. (Especially in flower, in flower phosphorous and potassium very important, not so much in veg) Coco coir and hydro have a different sweetspot. I have not used a soiless medium, many do. Each has their own pitfalls and bennifit.
Did that make sense? If not, thats ok. I can get longwinded from time to time. Ask away my friend.
No it makes sense. So how do I know when to flush or is it just a preventative maintenance type of thing where you do it on a set schedule. Also I attached a picture of the plant that I gave half a gallon of water last night.
Also my runoff was 6600 PPM last night for the same plan. And I watered it it had a pH of 6.72 and a PPM with the Cal mag of 370.
S*** I didn’t mean to take your girl journal and add my own pictures into it I thought I was in my grow journal. WTF. It’s early still
I was gonna ask you about VPD. Should I be using a VPD chart and what can I learn from it. I have a novice understanding of VPD despite how many videos I’ve watched and articles I read.
One of many ways to skin this cat.
If you have superb control over enviroment vpd is a great way to maximise your grow. If not, it can help you get the best you can. Its a basic reference for plant respiration. During different phases plants respire best in different ratios of temp and humidity. The chart itself has no regard for potential issues of mold and pwm at various temps and humidity. Same with DLI. You cant sacrafice basic parameters to achieve a good DLI. I use both as a referrence at best. Only have a moderate control over my climate.
What should my DLI be
I’m still trying to get control over my climate. I think I’m gonna have to get a humidifier and put it on a climate controller with my dehumidifier. Same thing for temperature. I would like a humidifier that will raise the humidity in a 6x5 room rather quickly. Any suggestions?
Hey, @Djh1984 thanks for the tag, but when it comes to VPD I completely agree with everything that the good @Docnraq said. It sounds from your resent posts you may want to get more control of your grow environment before considering VPD.
We may need a little more info about your grow area. Are you using recirculating air from a lung room?
I am using the basement as the lung room. On the garage side, I use a dehumidifier set @55 in the summer, and in the winter place a small humidifier close to the tent’s air intake. This keeps the rh at around 55 in summer and 45 in winter. For seedling or clones I just keep them under plastic domes until they some size, (There is no way that I would try drive the garage to 70%). With the tent in the finished side of the basement I just need to use a small humidifier in the winter.
As far as DLI goes using the Photone app on your phone and the following chart will get off to a good start. But as @Docnraq warned us that chart does not take into account things like an uneven canopy. I live with some foxtailing due to excessive light on the upper buds. So that the lower ones will get enough light to be somewhat dense.
Oh be sure to close the tent door when taking light reading. This can make a huge difference in your reading, I peek at the phone through a small opening in the zipper.
I have a PAR meter. And the DLI that I get on the app vs my meter are way off.
Which one do I go with and thank you for the advise. I always try to use every bit of it from you guys. Tonight for instance I’m redoing my intake portholes inducting getting rid of the inline fan it’s going to try to maximize my 6-in exhaust fans capacity. That obviously I learned off from you guys and I appreciate it.
I try to get as close to 45 dli as I can, during flower. I dont tenp control my grow room but with my AC. Id have to keep my apartment at 70 degrees or lower to push my light closer to my plants. Think 65 us super high for a DLI. SEEDLINGS SHOULD BE LOW LIKE 15 DLI. Above is your lights manufacturer suggested hang distance and intensity suggestions for the various stages. Follow that for a guide, too much light at the wrong time can stress the plants pretty badly and Keep them squat.
Par meter prolly more acurate then app. App is good for those who have nothing else but its accuracy varies by phone.