Devil's advocate on Recharge use

Hi fellow scientists!

So. Recharge. Work for you?

I’ve just finished my first run using added Recharge and soluble silica. I used it as instructed.

NO noticeable difference. None.

I use a good soil, rebuilt between grows, Jack’s, epsoms, phosphoric acid for pH down and potassium carbonate for pH up.

I tried a few different pots out with ‘microbe and fungi’ enhancers, LSI, molasses, and a ‘control’ of just the refreshed soil and RO water and zero nutrients.

They all looked, weighed, grew, consumed, exactly the same.

I’ve been reading that soil microbes are ever present. In the air, water, everywhere. Also have read biome expansion happens very quickly, often doubling hourly.

So I wonder… If biome starter is already present, previous root system has nearly decomposed (providing biome food), soil has been refreshed, nute delivery and composition is thorough… Why need biome enhancers?

I use 3 gal pots, 1 wk veg time.

NO apparent difference at all and all was up to standards.


Peace and Good Health. :dolphin:


Corporate America. Enough said imo.


I use Dynomyko when i transplant and i also water in once a month. Thats the only thing extra i use besides flower fuel but that comes during flower. If youve recharged with what youve listed and feed the microbes once every week or two with some unsulphured molasses, you can throw everything else out the door. Ive done the same thing you have and the only thing i noticed is that i had deeper and more established roots in the pots that i did use the dynomyko in. Ive used tribus and other enhancers in the past which didnt notice a significant difference. As long as you have good healthy soil to start and maintain the bios , then you shouldnt need anything else for a successful grow. I was using 5 gal pots…

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I have completely converted to making IMO and culturing it long term in leaf litter.

In my humble opinion, the microbe assortments we all lather our grows in is more for crowding the dance floor with too many bodies, so the bad ones cannot make the mosh pit a dangerous place or make it onto the stage.


We use it weekly and I noticed a big enough difference to keep using it. I also use their grow dots though because I’m busy/lazy when I’m not. Ladies love them and it’s less work for me. We grow in a mix of buffered coco, perlite, worm castings and rice hulls. Only things we add is silica and sometimes additional cal mag.

Honestly, on this run of autos they love it and I see huge growth the days after they get it.

Who knows! I keep things simple.


I use Recharge every couple weeks or so. A bag is about a lifetime’s worth, so why not. Does it help, not sure, but, the last plant I grew had the densest buds I’ve grown in 20 years, and the best smelling. I grow organic. I’m sold on it, and will keep using it.

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