She began week 4, Monday and has a cal def issue starting. I top fed 1/2 tsp dolomite lime on Easter. She has oyster flower and gypsum in the soil mix. Figuring it has been depleted from the previous grow, I top dressed her pot with more of both before I planted the cover crop of crimson clovers. Also, I added some Bio-Live 5-4-2 to feed the worms/micros All plants have been receiving a weekly guano tea.
I was just saying on another thread that when I do outdoor (next year) that I might do either raised beds or an amended patch of ground. Do you prep the soil that early for a reason or can it be done at planting time?
Hello, @Budbrother, You have an Great grow going, and what an AWESOME selection your growing. I really like the ingenuity of what you’re doing. I look forward to watching your grow develop into beautiful Buds. Great Job!!!
It takes time for the microbes to break down the organics to be utilized by the plants, and that is why you “cook” the soil. While this isn’t necessary for raises beds or such, it will most likely be hot; depending on what you add into them. Things like feather meal take a long while to break down for use by the plants, while others break down more quickly.
@MattyBear I had a stoner moment before harvest. I tea’d the wrong plant! I did the c99 and not the LSD plant. There was a straight guano taste to the c99 before the cure. Now there is a slight earthiness to it. The high didn’t suffer it’s a potent high!
For sure a potent high! I didn’t get the Fruity pheno myself, but the high makes up for it haha. I get some hints of pineapple after some hits, but not very often. You and @FloridaSon still link up every now and then?