I topped auto did some lst for my first time just to try it. Is it time for some pruning ? Lower sites not getting light since Friday.
I’m a new grower myself, but I did some pretty heavy defol on one of mine, and she seemed to love it. Makes me want to do the other ones, but then it wouldn’t be an experiment lol.
It is an auto so less is more. Cant reveg. I would clean bottom and anything inside on main stem. Leave as much as you can. Airflow is what you seek. Fans are solar panels. I do not prune my auto much at all. My photo is a different horse. Just my thoughts. Here is a lemon i wont touch again till heavy in flower if at all.
It looks like you did a good job on the canopy. Top bud sights are spread out and in good position. I see at least eight well formed bud sites. Now this is just me, but I am more inclined to remove the buried bud sites If I know they will not reach the canopy. If they can reach the top but are covered by a leaf, tuck the leaf or remove it.