Deepsix's First Journal:

Your fim looks nice I think it’ll do good.:+1::v:


They all look like pretty plants to me!


They are looking good. Don’t worry about the difference in size. As already pointed out. As long as they stay healthy that’s the main concern. On second journal I had a GDP that grew so far and literally stopped growing. She stayed healthy and once I flipped lights she stretched but stayed considerably smaller than the rest. :+1:


Why was my regular stripped from me ? Just out of curiosity?

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It’s got to do with the number of posts over time. If you don’t hit the trigger it steps you down. Hang on:…Let’s see if that took.


I think maybe it was a threshold thing maybe? Whatever, I was just curious… like had I been bad or something? But if it wasnt a threshold thing Inwonder why it reset itself? I didnt do it?

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And Santa is coming to town


Yeah! One of my kids was a dick to me yesterday, and was stripped of her cell phone and ipad for a week! She takes a school bus from here to Salmon Arm and back for 3 hours each day! This morning she asked if she could have her ipad for music… I said … uh nope? You treated me like a dick and get out of my bedroom Im sleeping.


They are doing an update and the subject came up that it dropped a bunch of ‘Regulars’.

I went in and upped you to Level 3 which should have done it (I see you are showing Regular status now).


Cool thanks, I knew it wasnt just me. I was only curious as to why it happened as I thought maybe I pooped the bed or wasnt meeting the criteria. I have been warned that my inquiry has been an inconvenience and I apologize for the disruption, I know yall have better things to do. Thanks for your service.


Nobody warned you of anything. I just stated that you posted all over the place for something trivial.

When are they going to fix this below in the red circle?

I’m sure I’ll at least be warned for this comment, but…

That’s kind of a douchey thing to say. Several people were wondering why their membership status had changed. In the grand scheme of things, is it a big deal? No. But when you have multiple members, who have been members for a year or more, suddenly drop in membership status even though they’re still highly active and major contributors, I don’t think an explanation is too much to ask for.

No reason to be snarky about it.

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Nah its ok, hes got a lot to do… it is pretty petty and trivial. I dont wanna be any trouble… kinda defeats the whole friendly nature of what we are doing here. Not a biggie…

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I am not sure it is a membership but rather a software glitch. I went to activity summary and scrolled down to find my status. It indicates regular but when I post there is no status indicated

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I’m not too concerned about the status/trust level thing itself. Just didn’t feel like the tone of the response was necessary.

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Stellars jays are teasing my cat at the window… seems more important right now :laughing:


Jays are +sshole birds. :laughing:

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Yes… yes they are! But funny to watch!

Hes getting pretty upset :rage:


I thought I was being nice considering nobody warned him about anything. I simply asked how many topics he posted in.

FWIW, of thd people I’ve seen posting about it, not a damn one of them had their membership status changed. Next time you want to call me out on something you can at least get it right.