Day 81 Am I getting close?

Day 81 of my purple punch auto


@TboneCapone this will help you make your decision. I think it needs a little more time. Maybe 2-3 days. Maybe sooner, after second look.


I’d say yourein the harvest window. Pull now for a little more heady, uplifting high. Give it another week for more a stoned, couchlocky high.


Looks like it to me.

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I’d be cutting that out of my tent :metal:

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Thanks for the reply guys! I felt like i was getting close for sure.

Some of the lower buds like right below the canopy level still have straight pistils, should i wait a little longer until they start curling too or go more off from whats on top?

You can harvest the top buds and allow the rest to mature also.




Sounds good! Im gonna water one last time first thing tomorrow and let it dry up for a day or two. Does anyone reading this do any dark periods before harvesting? Was thinking of doing about 36 hours of darkness before chop? Figured it was worth trying at least.

Looking good almost ready

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I don’t give extended time now but I do chop before lights come back on. I’ve done both and couldn’t tell a difference.

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How’s you get those colors. I got GDP and have an excellent batch everytime running 25% or better but can’t get any real hard colors out of them. It’s almost another harvest and still no real color.


Wow id keep a close eye on it, i’d say youre within a few days or so

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Its probably a strain and genetic thing. Its Purple Punch Auto from Barneys Farm. Its definitely started to express more the last week or so. Sugar leaves are getting a purple color on them. GDP is one of my favorites! :heart_eyes:

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Loving the variation of color!!!

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