How are they looking? And what’s some advice, I’ll take any🫡
They look good. Not a pistil in site. Auto’s do there own thing. Just don’t know what to say.
You can drop the lights down to 12/12 and they’ll have no choice.
So these are today I’m just waiting on my new readers do you mind walking me through treating my plants for root rot care? I lowkey thing that’s what’s stopping them and my watering practices i think.
I dont see any signs of root rot. Usually the plant will show obvious signs. Yours are vibrant. As mentioned above you can force em to flower by swapping your light schedule to 12/12.
Plants look great, what do you mean when you say your watering practices? Are you watering to runoff? And then waiting 2-3 days to water again? Like others have said autos flower whenever they want, most are pretty quick like 30 days or under, but we’ve seen others in your boat that are taking a lot longer.
My brother, you dont have issues with root rot, you have issues with patience be glad! The longer your autos hold off the better they are! Smash em with light! SMASH EM!!! I have autos go 7-9 weeks before pre-flower and test out 27-30% total cannabinoids! Melt your face off high! Big dense buds. Patience grasshopper, woosaaahhh!
Agreed. Enjoy the veg time.
We will need to know some things before hand. Your plants look good though as said above.
What size pots are you using?
What is the medium?
Is medium mixed with extra perlite or anything else?
If yes what percentage?
Do you ph your water?
If yes what is it?
Do you wait till pots are light before watering again?
Like when i transplanted i noticed some browning going on inside the root bay that’s the only sign i seen or is that normal? When i watered before in the gal pot i only gave about 220 ml of water at least everyday because they would dry out
Yeah your right in not but I’m also just too worried on having a perfect plant how much light should i give them? I have two 250 w lights dimmable
The size I’m using for this is 3 gal pots
My medium is happy frog with coco and perlite the perlite came with the coco as one that ratio mix is 70/30 70 being the soil i didn’t put any nutes it there but worm casting before the transplant it was the same medium just added all purpose and bio live nutes both down to earth
I ph my water to 6.4 with vitamin b2 (next water i was gonna use hydrogen peroxide for the browning
And i usually always wait until i see the top is dry and it’s easy to pick up I’ve gotten a little familiar with the feel of weight loss with the 3 gal pots
Healthy looking plants!
I hope they double in size during flower!!
This is the third topic you have created on these same plants. It would help if you kept all the information in one place. Just ask the next question instead of creating a new topic for it.
For example most of my questions were anwered in the other topics.
Moreing on sounds like your doing everything right.
A big and I can’t express how big of an improvement you could make is getting air pots for better airflow to the roots. That would also help the soil dry out quicker.
@Thatbaldguy…awesome buds my friend. Truly a work of art, patience and hard work not to mention all the question we have trying to achieve those buds. Thanks bud!!!
@420dOG my friend, when I first started trying to grow autos (I always have photos going) I was nothing but frustrated with the results. I chased this and I chased that, I pulled my hair out trying to figure out how to make them do what I wanted them to do. After a couple years of different methods and reading everything I could found that its not what you throw at an auto that makes it wonderful, it’s what you DON’T throw at it. Autos are very particular plants and they just want to grow and flower. Start with a good soil, good lighting and proper temps, and the plants will do their thing without you interfering. When you throw everything you have at an auto, it has no idea what you want. It wants to do one thing, and you want it to do another. It’s a fight to the end harvest. Here’s what I’ve learned. Leave it the hell alone!!! Plant it, water it, walk away! Top it if you like ( some i do, some i dont) let the plant be a plant. The yield will depend on the genetics the seed comes from. You aren’t gonna change that my friend. Autos are basically preprogrammed to grow and flower. Let them do just that. The more you fight them, the more troubles you’re going to have. Autos dont need/want your help, they just want to grow and flower. I plant, water, walk away! Best results I’ve ever had because I don’t ask them to do something they’re not meant to do. Make sense? Some may disagree and thats ok. Everyone has their techniques. I have found that manipulation with an auto just doesn’t help much. I get great buds and good yields just by letting them do their own thing.
@Thatbaldguy. Definitely a well deserved Thanks growmie. That’s the same technique used by my brother and he’s never had any problem with the plants or having to see a doctor just to deal with the added stress. I’ll surely continue studying photos because their so intriguing but convenience is a plus as well as the quick harvest so definitely keep up the autoflower growing and there’s been so much excellent advice here I want to thank everyone, there’s so many people to mention, I’ll definitely use every tidbit given. Both autos are taking off in each owns direction with minds of their own. I’ve asked several times about a dormancy factor but have yet to see anyone say anything but I still wonder. There’s some reasoning behind the age and size of the Wedding Cake that befuddles me so I’m definitely not killing her off. I’ve always pulled for the underdog and she’s definitely a fighter. So thanks again my friend for the great advice and rational thoughts behind autos.
You were so right i forget sometimes this is another living species but they are doing okay slight discoloration but im steady checking ppm and ph for water without nutes
Did you mix the soil and the coco? Autos like straight coco. I have never used soil my self. But are you supposed to water soil every day? I thought it was when needed. 30% coco shouldn’t dry it out to quick I would think. The plants look good though.